Logan's Story

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Britney asked what my story is, so I am going to tell her starting from the beginning.

" It started in my junior year. In my sophmore year my parents both died in a car accident. I got home with my friends. We were all cheerleaders. When I walked in the door, we watched some movies. There was a knock on the door and the police officer told me that my parents had died. In front of all of my friends. They all gave me so much pity. I didn't want their pity. I just wanted my parents back."

I start sobbing so much that I couldn't continue for about five minutes. Britney says

" Take your time and finish your story when you are ready". 

Then she came and hugged me. I couldn't help but think that this is what a real friend should have done for me. I continue.

"I got really depressed. I was always sad and angry. I started to shut out all of my friends. Over the summer while everyone else was partying, I was setting up my parents funeral. I came back next year, junior year, happier and not as sad. I expected my friends to still be there for me. On the first day of junior year, I sat with my group. They all gave me looks of shock at first. Then it turned into confusion and disgust. I lost all of my friends that year."

I got up and pulled a picture of my group of friends oout of my night stand. I handed the picture to Britney and continued my story.

" They started to yell at me and they told me to fuck off because I was just the depressed emo girl. Everyday since that day, the people who I used to call my friends picked on me. They made me do their chores. I had to clean up and make meals for them or they would beat me. Soon, everyone used me as their personal slave. Allyson was the worst. She used to be my bestest d=friend in the world. We used to do everything together. That year she changed to. She wasn't the good girl anymore. She turned into a complete slut."

I took the picture from Britney and pointed at Allyson. That was when she wasn't slutty. She was beautiful until she started to do all of the guys in the school over the summer. Britney says

" Wow! She looks completely different!"

I say "Yeah. She was a great friend. Before you came, she treated me like her personal bitch. I had to carry her bags and books, clean up after her, prepare anything she wanted from parties to rooms for her and the guys she slept with. I have no idead what guys saw in her. That was when I started to cut was when my parents died. It became a habit after my friends disowned me and I became a slave".

I started to silently cry because I knew my mate was the next thing in my story. I say

"I thought it would all change on my birthday. The day I would find my mate. I went into the woods to shift for the first time. I went for a run and my wolf and I caught the most delicious scent efver. We came to a wolf that was so red. It looked like fire. He shifted back to human form and it was Blaze. The Beta and your brother. I knew he would reject me once he found out. I went and got a potion from a witch named Stacy. The potion made me have no scent, so Blaze wouldn't know. I didn't want to be rejected. When we went to save Whitney, I was always around him. I fell in love with your brother, but if he knows he will reject me."

That was the end of my story. I can't stop sobbing. Britney says

" You really need to tell Blaze that you are his mate when the potion wearws off. Ever since he was a little boy, Blaze has only wanted one thing. A mate who loves him. He won't care that you hid from him. He will love you for you. Tell him your story and he will understand. If you decide to cut again, you better think of that song. What would Blaze think if he found out that his mate killed herself? He would hate himself for not being able to stop you. He would die of guilt for what you did to yourself. Are you gonna tell him that you are his mate?".

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