Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen 

Hannah met Ida Mae and the Hunters at the front door, holding it wide open for them to pass inside.  

"I brought Joey some gum and coloring books," Ida Mae told Hannah, passing over a bag.  

"Thank you. I know he'll be so glad to get them."  

Ned sat with the boys while Hannah took the Hunters and Ida Mae to see the apartment. Rose expressed her approval of the yellow and forest green décor, the daisy curtains in the kitchen, and the spacious bedroom.  

"I think this will work for me, if you don't mind having me down here," she said to Hannah. "I don't want to be a bother." 

"You'd be no bother," Hannah assured her. "We'd love to have you." 

"That's what everyone says, until they've actually had me around for a little while." Rose winked. 

"Let's go back upstairs and take care of the rental agreement," Hannah said, leading the way. When they walked into the Eyres' kitchen, Rose spoke up. 

"Can I see your little boy for a minute?" 

"Sure." She led Rose to the back while Ida Mae pulled out chairs for Reed and Heidi. 

"The apartment is very cute," Heidi said. "I think Mother Hunter will be happy here." 

"I think so too," Reed said, the first opinion he'd shared all morning. 

"The boy is a darling," Rose said, reentering the room. "And I wouldn't worry. He should be out of pain soon. It's just a natural part of healing." 

"Mother was a nurse for several years," Reed explained. 

"Are you sure the children won't be too loud for you?" Hannah asked. 

"They'll be just fine, dear. I raised children myself and know how they are." 

The papers were signed, and the Hunters went home after arranging to move Rose in the following week. Ida Mae stayed behind to talk to Hannah and Ned for a minute. 

"Thank you for arranging this, Sister Babbitt," Ned said, bouncing Jeremiah on his knee. "I don't mean to sound greedy, but that extra money will really help us out." 

"I'm glad I was able to help. And if it gets to be too much work, just let Reed know, and he'll find her another place to stay." 

"I can't predict the future, but I think we'll get along just fine," Hannah said. 

"I don't see why I have to be the decoy," Arlette said. "Do I look like a duck to you?" 

"You have a special role to play," Ida Mae told her. "We can use your natural grumpiness." 

"Natural grumpiness? Is that a compliment?" 

"It will be an asset to us today." 

The Secret Sisters, plus Ren, sat in Arlette's minivan outside the Omni Department of Motor Vehicles. Ida Mae knew that only one employee was inside at a time-the city simply couldn't afford more, and to be honest, there wasn't a need for more. The office was only open one day a week.  

"Who's working today?" Tansy asked.  

They had a fiftyfifty guess on that one, with only two employees on staff. It would either be Bertha or Donna, and they would both suit the purpose. Ida Mae leaned forward and squinted, trying to see through the window. After a moment, she caught a glimpse of a blonde beehive. "It's Donna," she said. 

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