Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Marcs POV

I've never been remarkable. I'm your ordinary, everyday, average kid. I've never been that cool one everyone likes, but I've never really been picked on either. While I don't have any close friends, everyone knows I exist. They just don't care. Sure, I can write, but I can only get inspiration from Ladybug and Chat Noir. Everything good that I wright turns into fanfiction because I have never been able to create compelling characters from scratch.

I guess what I'm trying to say here is, I'm not special. I'm going to have a normal life, suffering through the last years of school then eventually working some normal job because there is no way any of my stories will get popular.

Well, at least in the meantime I have my stories to keep me company. I clutch the journal that houses my stories tightly as I navigate the packed hall. I had a free period, so I might as well make the most of it. I duck down under the stairs, knowing it was a quiet place to work.

I glance around making sure no one could see what I was doing. I quickly open my journal. The Diary of Ladybug; it was my best story by far. I had been working on it for a good few months, and it was almost finished, but I was stuck on how to end it. I had set up an eventual romance between Ladybug and Chat Noir, but I have little experience in that area. Actually, scratch that, I have no experience in that department.

I pull out my phone to get inspiration. Nathaniel, a boy who went to my school, put his drawings on the school's website. They were so realistic and showed emotions that I couldn't put into words. He had talent. His life was going somewhere. Sure, we were in some classes together, but it's not like we ever talked. He doesn't even know I exist.

I scrolled through the images before scribbling down some words. I'm not sure why, but those drawings always got my words to flow fluently.

"Hey, Marc! How's it going?" A chipper voice asked behind me. I turned, startled, to see a certain blue-haired girl walk towards me. "Where is the rest of your class?" She asked, leaning against the staircase above my head.

"Oh... He-hey Marinette. We're done with classes today, the others probably went home." I silently prayed that she would leave me alone with my writing. It seems every time in get on a roll, someone comes and interrupts me.

She clapped her hands. "Perfect timing! Our class has a spare hour, so some of us are heading over to the art room. You should come check it out!" What made that girl so happy all the time? Doesn't she understand some people just want to hide under staircases and write fanfiction?

I glance down at the journal I hold in my hands in remorse. "Sure, why not?" I reply, disappointed in myself that I couldn't say no to her. Something about her happiness made you not want to wreck it.

She leans in closer, "Maybe you'll finally let me read your writing!" Some part of me desperately wants her to read it, but I'm just too embarrassed.

I turned back and stared at the journal, "Yea... I don't know. Maybe..." I shake my head back and forth. There was no way I'll let her read it. I know she could like it, and I don't want to disappoint her.

She flashed me a thumbs up, probably thinking my answer meant yes. "Awesome! See you later then!" She ran up the stairs, giggling.

I thump my head against the journal. Why do I get myself into these situations?

What did you guys think?

The main reason I'm writing this is for practice for an original superhero writing piece.

I don't want to give any spoilers, but just so you know, this is going to a bit AU. 

The Nathan will become a hero (and maybe Marc too) but I don't want to spoil it too much.

Oh and just so y 'all know, there will be a LOT of Marc/Nathaniel fluff, because a shippers gotta ship!

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