Chapter 4

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Nathaniels POV

I crumple up a drawing I'm working on. Why can't I think of anything to draw? I usually don't get writer's block. Drawer's block? I suppose it doesn't matter. Either way, I am caught in an infinite loop of sketching out a complex pose or background, only to not know how to finish it and end up scraping it. Maybe I should make a comic just so I have solid ideas about what to draw.

I stare blankly at the wall in front of me when I hear an annoyingly chipper voice behind me. "Nate!" What was the deal with everyone bothering me today? "Someone gave me this for you," I glance over my shoulder to see a certain bluenette place a thick leather-bound notebook beside me on the table.

"Who someone?" I look briefly at the book only to find the cover blank.

"I can't tell you who just yet," She leaned over and whispered conspiratorially, "It's a secret." Before I can ask anything more, she scampers away light on her feet, strangely reminding me of a bug.

I sigh and flip open the notebook. Diary of Ladybug. I take a hurried look around the classroom. Is this for real? Marinette did work with Chat Noir during the whole Eviliustraitor incident. Maybe she knows Ladybug as well? Who am I kidding, there is no way this is real. First of all, Ladybug would never title her diary 'The Diary of Ladybug', and more importantly, she would never care if someone like me read it.

I leaf through the pages before catching a glimpse of the word 'Evillustrator'. I backtrack a few lines before reading.

I call upon my Lucky Charm as Chat Noir wields his Cataclysm, and together we defeat the Evillustrator. Hmmm. So far this just reads like a first-person point of view fanfiction, and not a very good one at that. It kinda sounds like what a teenager with something like 'Wolf' or 'Fox' as part of their username would write to post on WattPad.

Pound it! But even though we won this fight, something keeps bugging me. I can't stop thinking about him. I know his real identity so sometimes, I try to catch a glimpse of him as I fly over his school. My cheeks get warm. So this version of Ladybug has a crush on me? I turn to look at Marinette who seems to be sketching some clothing designs. Maybe Marinette wrote it. Then again, she doesn't seem like the type to insert me into her fanfiction. Wait, now that I think about it, I don't think anyone would write fanfiction about me, let alone make me the main characters love interest. Unless... What if this is some sort of confession? Marinette must know the writer, so the chance is high that they know me as well-And Marinette did say the writer's identity was a secret-So who would project themselves onto Ladybug?


Unless the writer is Ladybug.

She could have written it as a fanfic so that if anyone else found it the would brush it off as nothing. It's what I would have done if I could write stories. And was a superhero.

Well, I guess that isn't the best metaphor.

My stomach feels like its trying to fly out of my body. Does she want to meet me? As myself and not the Evillustraitor?

I slam the notebook closed. I calm my racing mind as I try to understand why Marinette would give me this to read. I'm probably just overthinking things. Maybe Marinette just found some random fanfiction and wanted to ask my opinion. Yea, that's probably it.

My eyes dart around the room, searching for Alix. She must have cleaned up and gone home while I was reading. I sweep my drawings into my bag. I just need to get home. I'll talk to Marinette about the book at school tomorrow.

I stare straight ahead as I rush out the door.



My bag slips out of my hand as I fall onto my bed. I grab a pillow and shove my face into it.

A beep sounds from my bag. I reach in to find my phone to be the culprit for the interruption of my self-loathing.

I glance at the screen to see a message from Alix.

Roller Girl: Sry I left without saying bye at school. You seemed pretty into that book you were reading '~'

I lay back on my bed facing the ceiling. I go to reply,

Me: Yea, Marinette getting me to read some fanfic. It's really strange

I press send and moments later my phone buzzes.

Roller Girl: W8 Mari writes fan fiction??!?

Me: She won't tell me who wrote it. She said something about keeping it a secret

The seconds go by as I wait for a response.

Roller Girl: Sounds suspicious

Of course its suspicious. Getting someone to read a random writing piece without telling them who wrote it is usually suspicious.

Roller Girl: Whats the fic about?

I think for a moment before answering,

Me: It's about Ladybug and Chat Noir. They basically do superhero things and fight alongside the Evillustraitor

I leave out Ladybugs weird feelings towards Evillustraitor. I'm still not sure how I feel about that yet.

Roller Girl: Maybe she just wanted to show it to you because you were kinda in it? Or at least an akumatised you? Idrk

I can't believe I hadn't thought of that. It's just like Alix to be the voice of reason.

Roller Girl: I gotta go do homework. Ttyl at school

Me: K, bye

I sigh and pull out my homework. Might as well finish, too.

You. Would. Not. Believe. How. Many. Times. I. Had. To. Rewrite. This.

I landed up just writing it on Google Docs and pasting it onto here because Wattpad kept buggering around.

Anyways, sorry for the wait. School and stuff. Ya' know.



I have a question for you today.

Out of the main love square, who do you ship the most? I'm a Marichat fan myself, but I'm excited to see what y'all will say in the comments.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2018 ⏰

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