Science Project ☆ Chapter 1

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"Get off me, asshole!!" I scream as I push the broad shouldered ignoramus away from me. "Come on doll..." he says with a smirk on his face coming closer to me. I bring my arm up ready to slap that smile off his face when his equally idiotic friend holds my arms back. "What the fuck!" I scream in anger.
"What do you want!" I scream in his face. "Just want to spend some time with my favorite girl." He smiles before I spit in his face. I laugh in success as his face turns into a look of disgust. "Never going to happen Denis."
I slip my foot behind his friends leg, kicking him with all my force, making him let go of me. As his friend falls on the floor I pick up my bag that was previously thrown on the floor and run as fast as I can.

See this might seem like an eventful morning to most but this is just the normal. My names Parker and I go to a private school named Voltron Academy. Home of the delinquents. Basically this is the school you send your children when they get into trouble and you don't want to deal with them. Some of us in here didn't even do anything that bad. Hacking, shoplifting, prone to fights, we are all here for a reason. Some like to brag about why they are here and some like myself like to keep it a secret.

See you are probably wondering 'why were those guys picking on you?' well that's the sucky part about this school.

You know how it's stereo typical that guys get into more trouble then girls? Well that stereo type is true in our school, housing about 20 girls per 100 guys.

So I'm not saying I'm an elysian type of girl, honestly I'm anything but that. I have a very commodious wardrobe, wearing sweatshirts and jeans on the daily with the occasional beanie. Basically what I'm saying is I wouldn't consider myself the most popular or pretty girl but I am a girl. Thus leaving me to be a victim of comedic and lustful actions.

"No running in the halls!" I get yelled at by our headmaster before I step into class. I roll my eyes at the irony. You can yell at me for running in the halls but you can't stop hunks of meat from pestering me everyday? Good job guys.

I kick my shoes as I step on the hard and cold floor, making my way over to my desk thankfully located in the back of the room. I take my seat with a large sigh, rearranging my bag comfortably on the head on my chair. I slump over and bang my head on my desk, making a loud sound through the already loud classroom. My teacher detects the sound is from me even through the ocean of conversations going on. She shares at me with a disapproving face.

I hear a scoff from a few seats over, I look around to spy a familiar and unforgiving face. Keith.

Don't even get me started on Keith. Black haired, tall, and the only guy in this place I'm head over heals for.

I try not to get my hopes up considering reputations. Known for just being a fuck boy who plays with girls hearts. Personally not looking for that. Shocking I know. But have you ever just been so fascinated with someone? It's so hard not to stare sometimes. His calm yet aggressive attitude can make anyone melt and that's probably why he's the most wanted boy in our school for girls, guys and non-binary pals.

I look in the opposite direction before I start blushing as I know it will happen. But staring into his glaucous eyes I just get so distracted, I simply can't help it.

"Ok class! Take your seats!" My teacher yells. This is actually one of my favorite classes and not just for the fact that Keith is in it. Science is one of the things that actually fascinate me, especially astronomy. My mom and I used to stay up and watch the stars go by, matching consolations and looking at planets. Sometimes I wish I could go back to those days.
"Today we will be assigning partners for our middle of the year science project! Remember this project is 25% of your grade for this quarter of the school year."
Oh great what delight. I never have luck when I comes to partnered projects. I always get paired with some idiot and I end up doing all the work. Not that I mind it just sucks giving an asshole the look of smarts when it's my work.
"I've paired you all into couples! You will have a month to work on this project including weekends. I expect updates on progress once a week."
I sigh and put my head on my desk.
"I'll start calling out groups now! Hunk and Pidge, Alurra and Shiro..." I zone out as I hear a list of peoples names. Groups gather as others wait for their name to be called. Some people excited at their partners and others disappointed.
"Parker..." I hear my teacher say with a sigh. I raise my hand and look up at her. Her eyes staring into my soul she says with a smile. "You'll be partnered with Keith."

I sit up straight as my face goes red. "Wait what?" I say in disbelief.
"She said you're my science partner." Keith says as he slams his hands on my desk.

Well... Fuck.

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