3 - "I want to know what happened."

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The morning came quickly, faster than Y/N would have ever wanted. She had stayed in her room, pacing and worrying all night until her headache grew unbearable. Nobody came for her during the night- but she would flinch at every sound, every creak outside her door, terrified and certain that someone would kick down the door at any moment. Her fear and anxiety kept her up for so long that when she finally gave in and rested her head on the stone windowsill, she passed out.

When the light from the brightening sky fell on her weary eyes, she groaned and covered her head with her arms in a futile attempt to fall back asleep. Several minutes passed; the sound of the morning bustle outside and in the halls prompted the girl to wake. Begrudgingly she lifted her head, squinting as her eyes adjusted.

Y/N blinked a few times, staring blankly out at the city before realization smacked her upside the head. All the events of the previous night came rushing back as if someone had opened of the floodgates of her mind. She sucked in a breath, her hands curling into fists as her panic returned. Suddenly a loud knock on the door startled her, making her jump and whirl around to face it. The quick movement reminded her again of her sore muscles and various injuries from yesterday.

"Y/N? Are you up?" The serving girl let out a sigh of relief, glad that it was someone she knew.

"I am, Ingrid," she responded, moving away from the window.

"Well then, you had better get moving else you keep the Queen waiting! You're late." Ingrid's footsteps faded as she left, leaving Y/N in a panic. From the number of people that were outside on the streets already, she could tell that she was behind schedule. Never mind Loki— if she slacked off on her duties there would definitely be a price to pay.

Rushing to make herself presentable, she threw on a new dress, combed out her hair, and tidied up her room before hurrying out and down to the kitchen. The place was full of people already, talking and working as they prepared breakfast. Mornings in the palace were busy, and many of the chefs and servants were awake hours before the rest of the city. The smell of pork and eggs filled the air as Y/N maneuvered her way through the crowd of cooks, making her stomach grumble in complaint.

She reached one of the further tables where plates of steaming food were already set in neat rows, ready to be carried out. Picking one up and placing it on a tray, she took it to the counter and quickly poured a cup of tea. The steam curled as she carefully set it next to the plate. With everything in place, Y/N made her way back through the bustle of people, ducking and swerving to avoid arms, plates, and pans being passed around, and also snatching bits of food off the tables when no one was looking. When she had escaped the chaos of the kitchen, she picked up her pace, walking as fast as she could without spilling the hot drink.

She went back up the stairs and towards the large doors down the hall, this time stopping in front of them instead of passing by. The two soldiers stationed on either side said nothing as she approached, but nodded to acknowledge her and give their permission for her to knock. She stepped forward, rapping her knuckles against the towering doors a few times. A voice could be heard on the other side, calling for her to come in. The soldiers allowed her to pass, one of them opening the door for her.

Y/N entered the room to see the Queen standing at her window, her hair already meticulously put together. She stared for a few moments, trying to see any kind of reaction from her;  any sign of anger or contempt, but there was nothing but her usual bright smile. Realizing that she had been standing in an awkward silence, Y/N snapped back to attention."Your majesty, your morning meal is ready." She held out the tray, to which the Queen nodded.

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