The big Monday morning

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  I woke up at 7 even though i was supposed to leave at 11 but i decided why not get up 4 hours early .i fund out that was a stupid idea and slept fo 2 mor hours . i woke up sad because of zilly he said

fine ill just have to come to you

this really scared me beacuse she waas rich and then i reminded myself not to he was probly just kiding.i got up and looked at my wrists some were new but i just ignored them is they itched.i put on my homies jumper and some normal trousersand i looked in the mirror for a couple of seconds in disatisfaction. i brushed my teeth my hair and di my makeup only mascara though because i didnt feel like doing it all. I smiled but it wasn't genuine but I don't think anyone notices so I just do it anyway.


  it was 10 30 and I was ready so I gave my mum a kiss and she said I miss you and all that bull crap but my dad drove me to my school and said he loved me and good luck and to make new friends and I said suuure knowing that I won't .obviously I'm weird I'm suprised ambers my friend . but anyways I walk up and surprise amber and she screams

"AAH I thought u were coming in 5"

"nope gotta scare you that's what I do haha"

we have small chit chat then we see Liam and George walk by to go register... she is obsessed with George and there like best friends but the only bad thing is that he's dating some one he doesn't even like I mean come on we all know that they have skinny love its obvious .its really convenient that George and Liam are best friends like me and amber so when we hang out its not awkward.


they both say almost at the same time and since they did that they looked at each other and laughed .while they were all luaghin and I was looking at Liam his happiness I just wanted to take so I smiled a real smile this time .

"All right time for the register just say your name loud since there's 100 so people"

we all called out our names and there were 2 couches and me and amber made sure we were on the same ones so we could talk and stuff.

they told us to get on the coach and I saw Liam got on but he was with one of his friends so I know he wouldn't sit next to us but I didn't bother being sad as I was way to exited to go on this.luckily coaches don't make me car sick because I didn't want to get sent home or something.

me and amber we debating on who sits in what seat or the window seat I wanted the window seat but I gave it to her because I thought it might make me car sick and we agreed on switching when we took a break.

I plugged in my heads phones so me and amber could listen to music. then we took of there was nothing special about the trip until we got to the truck stop.

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