Chapter 3

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List of Substitutes:

Y/n = Your name

O/n = Online name

This is a long chapter, so settle in!


I sat silently in the car, watching as the world blurred by. 

"So when are you going to tell me about that person you obviously like so much?" My mom asked, side glancing at me. I screeched. "What? Who? What?" My mom giggled as I sat there dumbfounded. "Well, you're always texting someone on your phone!" I relaxed, letting my head hit the back of the seat. "You mean my online friends? FC, Shu and BorkeD?" I asked. She frowned. "No, I thought you were always talking to... Uhm... DANIEL! That was his name!" I sighed. At least she wasn't thinking it was them- WAIT WHAT. "What do you mean! I-I don't always talk to him! What, when did you! Whyyyyyyyy?" I didn't quite realise, but my face flushed red. I began trying to communicate by flailing my arms in front of me. My mom simply began laughing, while slowly apologising. I sunk into the seat, hiding my face with my hands. "Alright, we're here! Have fun today!" I slid out of the seat, waving a goodbye to my mom as she drove away.

I began my tragic ascension of the stairs, toward the large brick building. I was trying to clear my head of any stupid thoughts. I had art first period, so I shuffled my way to the lockers and grabbed my books.

(Time Skip: A few periods)

"Hey (Y/n)! Would you like to come study with me? AndmaybeormaybenotspyonRylanandJune?" It took me a second to comprehend what Daniel had quite said, but I realised and stared directly at him. "Studying is nothing compared to the ship." Daniel seemed a little confused but nodded hesitantly anyway. "Make a note, I'll teach you what shipping is. One day." Daniel nodded, before grabbing my wrist and dashing off. I quickly followed behind but watched as two other werewolves stared at us as we walked by. "Cute! Their ears totally match!" I glanced up and Daniels' ears. His always looked so fluffy. My eyes trailed down to his hand wrapped around my wrist, and I felt the heat rise to my cheeks. I tried to calm myself, but nothing was quite working.

As you see

 I really liked Daniel, 

and this was not helping.

He finally came to a stop, outside one of the small English classrooms. I think it was right next to the music room. "Dottie got teachers permission for us to study in here." He popped the door open, walking in with me following behind. He glanced around and bolted to the window. "Where's Dottie then?" Daniel turned to me, smiling and scratching the back of his neck. "She owed Rylan a favour. But she took it upon herself to decide the favour. So she picked helping him talk to June." He gestured over his shoulder, out the window. I moved over, careful to keep my distance from Daniel. He did not need to hear my heartbeat right now.

I peered down at the courtyard below. Dottie was hiding in a bush, in sight of us, while Rylan stood a few feet away, looking ever so awkward. I watched as June approached. Smiling at Rylan as she did. Dottie did something, as June looked taken aback, and Rylan was frantically trying to talk. We watched as Dottie kept trying to signal Rylan, waving her arms around wildly. Of course, we found this amusing and began giggling. I heard Daniel pipe down a little and turned to see what was wrong.

He was just standing there, a cute little grin on his face. The bridge of his nose was pink, and he was staring at me. "Dan-Daniel?" I asked, frowning as he seemed to snap back to reality. "O-oh sorry. Your ears just look really fluf-fluffy today. It's Uhm. It's cute" he mumbled the last part, but as the room was otherwise silent. I heard him. I quickly turned away, rubbing the back of my neck. My tail began swishing, much to my dismay. "Th-thanks. I could come to school mo-more often with them li-like this. If you'd like?" I couldn't keep the spirited tone from my voice. I watched Daniel from the corner of my eye. His eyes lit up, and he fervently nodded. We awkwardly began shifting our gaze, not quite sure where to look. I hesitantly reached up, my ear flicking away and the cold of my fingers. Did they really look good?

Snooter for Love // Daniel x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now