Chapter 7

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List of Substitutes:

Y/n = Your name

(f/f) = favourite flavour (excluding chocolate)


((Aphmau POV))

I saw (Y/n) talking to Daniel, Rylan and Dottie by the lockers. I was about to call out to her, when she suddenly turned away, pulling out her phone. I couldn't tell, but it looked like she was... blushing?

I snuck a little closer, just enough to overhear their conversation. "W-Well. We uhm. We studied English... Yeah." Daniel's mumbled. "For an hour? Also, how did you get out class so fast Daniel? You're usually the last one to get outside." Dottie seemed to inch toward him, placing her hands on her hips. Daniel started fidgeting. "Yeah, I didn't even see you here at the lockers!" Rylan began to gang up on him too. (Y/n) Seemed to want to vanish. I'll be her saviour!

"Hey, (Y/n)!" I called out. The group turned to me, and (Y/n) seemed to let her shoulders slump back, relief flooded her face. "H-Hey Aphmau!" she called back. I strode over, grinning at her. "Hey guys, sorry for interrupting. I need to talk to (y/n)... about some... werewolf class stuff!" They nodded, and I noticed Daniel seemed to relax as well, but glanced sideways at (Y/n). I began walking away, (Y/n) falling into step beside me. "You're welcome" I whispered. She seemed taken aback, but smiled.

We came to a halt outside one of the art classrooms. "So what DID you and Daniel do?" I asked.

((Y/n)s POV))

"So what DID you and Daniel do?" Aphmau asked. "WHAT?" I hissed. "I thought you were here to save meeeee!" I wailed. She giggled. "Calm down. You already saved me this morning." The bathroom? "I didn't really save you... But now I've got dirt on you." She smirked, crossing her arms. "And what might that be?" She asked. "Well, for one, you like Aaron." Aphmau's eyes went wide. "What no I-"I cut her off. "And two... you said Aaron was a tough wolf on the outside, but a soft fluffy puppy on the inside!"

I watched as Aphmau nearly self-combusted. "I want (F/f) cupcakes," I stated. She blinked a few times, before giving me a confused glare. "I won't tell Aaron if you get me (F/f) cupcakes," I smirked. Being evil would never taste soooo good! She whined. "Are you kidding me? Please noooo!" I sighed. "I thought you were MY saviour (Y/n)!" She cried. "Fine. I'll give you something... only because you saved me. And you're my friend" I mumbled. I slowly began to regret my choice as Aphmau started smirking, clapping her hands together. "Tell me who you like!" I choked. "W-WHAT! NO!"

Aphmau battered her eyelashes, trying her best to act cute. "But you said you'd give me something! Would you really say no to such a cutie?" I sighed. "Yes." Aphmau frowned. Annoyed at my response. "B-But as long as you... don't tell anyone... ESPECIALLY DOTTIE!" Aphmau giggled, jumping on the spot. "I promise! I Promise!" I sighed.

Irene, I was going to regret this.

"W-Well... I uhm... I like... Daniel..." I whispered the name, hoping she wouldn't hear, and that I could book it somewhere. Aphmau took a deep breath, before letting out a squeal. "I KNEW IT! YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE TOGETHER! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!" I clamped my hand over her mouth, kicking her foot with my own. She let out a muffled squeak. "SHHHH!" Aphmau nodded, and I slowly removed my hand from her mouth. "I'm telling Aaron." I turned on my heel and bolted. I heard an inhuman screech as Aphmau began chasing me. She was fast for a little potato, but not fast enough.


It had been a few weeks since everything had happened. Aphmau and Aaron were as close as ever, and Daniel and I often hung out with them. Speaking off Daniel, we still hadn't told anyone about being locked in the classroom, nor had we spoken to each other about it. Luckily, everything seemed to return to normal... except Aphmau smirking at me every time I was around Daniel. But I got her back by always making cute dog jokes when we played online.

It was yet again, a Monday. I waved as my mom pulled away from the curb, now leaving me stranded at this place we call school. I turned around, stretching as I yawned, for the 15th time this morning. We had all taken on this dungeon last night, and it was harder than expected. We all had to stay up late to finish it. I began wandering up the stairs, constantly weaving between the groups of idlers. I stopped by the fountain, pulling out my phone and checking my timetable... Werewolf class... thank god. I might be able to take a nap.

I headed for the entrance, and on the way had to push past a group of kids, all standing around and muttering to each other. I paused as I finally got a glimpse of what they were talking about. A large Prom poster was plastered to the side of the building. I sighed, finally shoving past someone and entering the school. I made my way toward my locker, staring at the boring concrete flooring. My ears picked up on the multiple conversations going on.

"Prom is so cool! I hope I get asked!"

"I can't wait till I'm old enough for Prom!"

"You've already been asked? Wow!"

So it was going to be this huh? Prom talk for the next week. The talking wasn't what bothered me, however. It was Prom itself. I never really liked the idea of Prom. Having to be asked, then dress up all fancy and go to a dance. I'd rather stay home and play video games. But luckily for me, I wouldn't have to worry about it. Only juniors and seniors could attend. I reached my locker, fiddling with the lock until it clicked open. The green metal door swung open and I slung my bag inside. I grabbed my books and slammed my locker shut. I yawned. Again. I trudged to class, eyeing a few girls as they squealed ever so loudly. I paused outside the classroom, staring through the window at the empty desks. My eyes then focused on the reflection of myself. My hair was messy, and my ears and tail were fluffy. My eyes were duller than usual, and my uniform felt stiff.

This was going to be a long day.

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