Chapter 27

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Chapter 27- 

Waking up to smell of the fresh air and the sea salt was a different feeling altogether. I sighed and opened my eyes but shut them quickly as the sun was shining right into the room. "Morning love." Harry whispered and I groaned. "Its bright." I said making Harry chuckle. "It's supposed to be at 10 in the morning." He said. "It's your fault we stayed in the pool till 2 in the morning..." I said looking at him with one eye. Harry grinned and kissed my forehead before moving and trying to get up but I shook my head and held him tighter. "Lou, I got to get up. I need to know if Niall is coming or not... And we have guests coming today." Harry said and I sighed, letting him go but I stayed in bed. "You just going to stay there?" Harry asked putting a pair of shorts on and running his hand through his curls. "Don't want to get up." I said closing my eyes again. "Alright you can sleep." He said and kissed my head before leaving the room. Okay so we don't have walls around the place but in this heat, it makes no difference. I slowly began to drift to sleep again when... "Louis!! Get your butt out of bed!!" I jumped and rolled over, falling onto the floor with a thud. I groaned and rubbed my head as I saw Linda standing there with a smirk on her face. "What are you doing here?" I asked standing up. "Harry said you wanted to be lazy! So I had to get you up somehow!! I need help to get the guests into their small places you know!!" She said and I frowned. "Small places?" I asked pulling a pair of shorts over my boxers and slipping a tank top on. "There all little cottages on the island, different parts of the island is shown from these  places." Linda explained and I nodded.

 "Oh so you finally got up?" Harry asked before taking a sip of his orange juice. "Question." I said ignoring his last statement. "Who is coming today?" I asked making Harry grin. "Wait and see..." He said and I groaned hating the fact that I don't know what the hell is going on. "What time do they start arriving?"'I asked grabbing a apple from the fruit bowl. "Should be here in about 2 hours or so." Harry said and I nodded. "Right I got to go help Zayn! Will see you later babe." Harry said kissing me softly and running out past the pool. I sighed and just sat down in the counter, looking around. "Want to come see the venue?" Linda asked walking into the kitchen area. "Am I allowed to?" I asked and she laughed. "No but Harry will be busy so he won't even know unless you tell him." She said and I quickly got off the counter and linked arms with her. "Lead the way!" I said and she laughed as we both made our way to the back of the house. We walked for a while down a windy path until we came to another beach. We walked down the beach for a while when I stopped seeing the place they have been working on. The place I'm marrying Harry at...  

"Is this really happening?" I whispered as we walked closer. "It better be with all the work Zayn and I had to do yesterday. Also the reception area..." She said and I snapped my head towards her. "Reception area?" I asked and she grinned. "Follow me." She said. We walked down another path till we came to a small cottage type thing with a massive pool and deck area. "It's not quite finished yet!" She said as we walked to the area and I couldn't help but smile as I saw the fairy lights around. Tables set in certain places and it was so simple but so amazing. I smiled as I looked around.  "You both really did do a amazing job." I said and she grinned. "It was Harry's idea." She said and I nodded. "Come on, let's get back before Harry gets suspicious." Linda said and I smiled as we headed back to the main house. "I still can't get my head around this hey... Its so weird." I said softly. "Let's just hope Niall gets over it or you and Harry will be having a lodger!" She said making us both laugh. We walked back into the house but I froze when I saw the blonde hair.

 "Niall..." I whispered as he glared at Linda and I. "Out of everyone I thought you would be with... He was definitely not the one I expected." Niall growled. "It's not what it looks like Niall." Linda said. "Oh really... What does it look like then?" He asked and Linda sort of went quiet. "It has nothing to do with Linda. Don't blame her Niall." I said. "You don't talk to me. First you can't have Harry and now you want Linda? Fuck off will you! No one likes you." Niall said and I was about to punch him right in the face but Linda held me back. "How dare you say that! Who the hell do you think you are?!" Linda shouted in Niall's face. "Its true!!" He shouted back and this time Linda didn't hold me back to punch him so hard I am sure I just broke a knuckle. "It's not true and you know it." Linda said as she pulled me away. "Linda wait!" Niall called. She stopped and turned to face him, keeping her arms across her chest. "Linda, I love you and I can't lose you." He said. "You lost already Niall. This isn't the man I fell in love with! I fell in love with the cute, carefree, Irish lad that I met in the nursery. I don't remember ever loving a monster." She said with her voice breaking a few times. "Linda..." Niall began but she shook her head, stepping away from him as he tried to touch her. "No Niall... They are my friends and I'm not standing by you anymore." She said turning to look at me, just so she didn't look at Niall. She was crying, but trying to compose herself. "What do you mean by 'they'?" He asked looking at me. "She means me." I turned and saw Harry standing there with Zayn and Liam? "I thought I told you two to break it off." Niall stated. "Never in my wildest dreams would I do that. I love Louis more then you will ever know and I don't care what you say." Harry said wrapping his arm around my shoulders protectively. "Exactly Niall... Harry won't be marrying Kendall." Linda said moving and standing next to me. "What?" He asked.

 It was silent for the longest of times. "I won't be marrying Kendall. What's not to get about that?" Harry asked. "You don't have a choice, unless the White Eskimos break it off and lose your jobs." Niall said. "We honestly don't care. What's the point of being a band signed by a bunch of jackass'?" I turned and saw Ed, Josh and Dan standing there. "Okay really? What are you all doing here?" Niall asked. "We are here for the wedding." Ed said and if I could take a picture of Niall's face, I would off but it's not exactly a good time to do so. "Okay am I being punked? What wedding?!" He asked. I felt Harry smile against my neck and he whispered, "should we tell him?" And I just smiled nodding. "Our wedding." Harry said out loud. Niall looked at us shocked and confused.  "I'm sorry? I thought you said 'our wedding'?" He put in air quotes with his fingers. "You're not deaf are you?" I asked and he frowned.  "I wasn't talking to you." He said. "You don't need to talk to me..." I said and he glared at me again. "Will you shut up?! You're not important here! I don't even see what Harry sees in you. Then again maybe you and Harry will be happy together because you both are idiots!!!" He shouted. I walked up to him, biting my tongue. "What did you call Harry?" I asked softly. "You're both idiots! Fucking faggots the both of you." He snapped and thats when I snapped and punched him so hard he fell to the floor. "Say it again!!! I dare you!!" I shouted as I felt two people holding me back. "You're both faggots!" Niall shouted. I somehow got out of whoever grip and pounced on Niall. I pinned him down on the floor and I felt the anger build up. "Louis..." Harry said softly. I turned my face and looked at him before I got off Niall and stood up. I didn't bother looking at anyone as I walked out the place and down to the path to the main beach. "Louis!" I heard my name being called from several people but I kept walking.

 I needed to cool off. Why are people so judgement all? I walked onto the beach and just carried on walking. I soon came to a stop when my legs got tired and sat down in the sand, looking out at the clear blue ocean. My head was aching a bit from all the thinking. Why does Niall have such a grudge against me? I stared down at the ring on my finger and sighed. Am I making the right choice? I stood up from the sand and took my shirt off before walking into the cool ocean water. I went up to my waist and sighed before diving in and swimming further out. It was quite amazing I must admit. Okay I mean I can't see a lot but blurry vision, but I mean you could still see the fish swimming around it was that clear. I went up to get some air and I looked around a bit till I saw someone walking down the beach. I think it was Harry but I couldn't be certain seeing they were quite far away. I just shrugged and dived under again, at least it helps clear my thoughts. I came up again for air, but just relaxed and floated on my back, seeing the water was so still. After a while I felt a tap on my shoulder and I jumped, turning to face the one person I didn't want to talk to. "Go away." I said but he sighed. "Listen okay... I'm sorry... I didn't mean all those words I said." Niall said. "Then why say them?" I asked not even looking at him. "It upset me that if you and Harry stay together I will lose my job! That means I lose everything..." Niall said. "There is plenty of other jobs Niall. But to try control Harry?" I asked. "It was the only way to keep my job." He said. "So I'm guessing Harry and I are still not allowed to he together and you're here to tell me that I have to leave and not tell anyone where I'm going?" I asked sighing as I slowly made my way back to the shore. "No... I'm here to say that im sorry. No job is worth losing a friend and my girlfriend..." He said softly and I froze on the spot. "What do you mean by that?" I asked. "I quit my job... I guess punching me several times knocked sense into me." Niall chuckled and I smiled slightly. "I know what I said was horrible and I don't expect you to forgive me... But can I atleast make it up to the both of you?" He asked and I sighed. "Alright." I said after thinking for a while. I picked my shirt up and we both walked back to the house.

 Okay so I got to admit, Niall is a pretty good guy. Always laughing at everything, even when I tripped over a rock and fell on my face into the sand. Of course he helped me up but he couldn't stop laughing. He seemed different, not that uptight twit I met forcing Harry to marry Kendall. He just looked like a carefree mofo and he looked happy. We got back to the house and I was immediately attacked by Harry who hugged me ever so tightly. "I was so worried..." He whispered and I chuckled. "Relax, I just needed to let off some steam." I said and he smiled. "Yeah literally by swimming in the ocean?! I mean there could of been sharks and stuff!!" Niall exclaimed and I laughed. "I would of seen if there was. It was pretty cool seeing the fish but it would be better to scuba dive there." I said as Harry hugged me from behind and rested his chin on my shoulder. "After tomorrow we can do whatever you want to. Scuba diving is definitely one." Harry said and I felt my heart beat quicken when he said after tomorrow. "So it's still going on?" I asked turning around in Harry's grasp and smiling slightly. "Of course! Unless you don't want to..." He said softly and I grinned. "Of course I want to. Wouldn't miss it." I said and he pecked my lips. "Right... Let's go make sure our guests are settled shall we?" He asked and I grinned nodding as we made our way to the small cottages around the island.

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