Platonic! Sansa x reader (slight Ramsey Bolton x reader)

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The cold north had been y/n's family's home for a millennia or more. While the house y/l/n was surely one of the oldest, they weren't much better off than the common folk who worked on their land. Rhoslyn y/l/n, and her husband Alistair y/l/n were the mother and father of 7 young children, 4 boys: Alistair (jr) Ernald, Bennet and Eddard, and 3 girls: Lyanne, Elyna, and the youngest of the seven, y/n.
The family was proud to have so many fine children, all of which grew more splendidly with each passing day.
The first time the y/l/n's had arrived at the gates of the great castle of Winterfell, or Win'erfell- as their northern accents called it, was to celebrate the tenth nameday of Sansa Stark. They had been invited to the namedays of the other Starks before now, but had never been able to attend as a full family before and y/n, who was only 5  namedays older than Sansa,  was ecstatic to be finally inside the castle.
Catelyn Stark had arranged all of her children in a line to greet the y/l/n, for while they were not very powerful, they were as old as the lad itself and had proved great allies in time of need. Introductions were short and sweet, and young y/n had been given the honour of presenting the little Lady Sansa with her nameday gift: a beautifully carved pair of ice skates. The young girls smiled at one another, and during the y/l/n's stay, the two became close friends.
Half a moon later it was time for the y/l/n's to go, however y/n would not be leaving with them for she had been offered work as Lady Sansa's handmaiden. She would be sad to leave her family, especially her mother Rhoslyn, her eldest sister Lyanne, and the youngest y/l/n boy Eddard whom she was only 5 namedays younger than, she was happy to accept the offer Catelyn had given her. She knew her family was not the richest in Westeros, and it would therefore be easier for y/n to make her own way in the world.
Y/n, who soon became known as Lady y/n, accompanied Sansa everywhere officially as a handmaiden, but in reality as her most trusted adviser and friend. When the king came to Winterfell, Lady Sansa and y/n talked for hours and speculated about why they could possibly be here. When Sansa found out she was to be wed to Prince Joffrey, y/n was there for her.
Kings Landing. What a perfect name for the bustling city, y/n thought as she passed through the gates to the red keep, her arm looped around her Lady Sansa's.
It took less than a moon for y/n to realise the life of a lady in Kings Landing did not agree with her. Sansa and Arya were miserable, and their father seemed to be making more enemies than he knew what to do with. The execution of Lord Eddard Stark was a day forever etched into the memories of the northerners. While Arya fled, y/n was bound by sworn duty to remain at Sansa's side.
The next few years were awful. Y/n was glad to finally leave the wretched city, although she had needed to adopt a new name to hide her identity. She was now a bastard: Minisa Stone, sister to Alayne Stone, her former best friend Sansa.
Many moons later saw their safe arrival in Winterfell. Glad to be rid of her fake identity, y/n decided perhaps she ought to stop worrying. That was until she caught word of Lord Boltons Bastard, Ramsay Snow, now renamed Bolton, plans to wed Lady Sansa.
"He is a monster, y/n, he is cruel and unpleasant and this shouldn't be allowed"
Y/n agreed, for she had seen what the cruel man had done to poor Theon, a boy who she used to laugh and joke with when she had first came to Winterfell. "Y'right, milady, what would you have me do?" Y/n inquired. To which Sansa merely shook her head. "Nothing can be done, y/n,"
The day finally came when y/n finally met her best friends betrothed. A lesson from her sister, Lyanne, suddenly sprung to mind.
"To protect those we love, we must do all we can. You must provide distractions and pray they may escape, you must confuse and intimate, speak out against or sass whoever stands between you and those you care for. Do not let yourself worry about your unladylike tendencies: for they will help only in this instance,"
So y/n did all she could to draw attention away from Sansa and onto herself. Making unwanted comments about Ramsay's ...unfortunate... habit, mocking him for whatever she could, but never more than merely poking fun at. "I like my head just where it is, right here on my shoulders," she remarked whenever the bastard threatened her. The threats were always empty,however, as it seemed Ramsay enjoyed the young handmaiden's antics.
It wasn't until he caught y/n's wrist before she could step over the battlements to follow Theon's and Sansa that she finally truly got to look at him. Sure he was attractive, but the words of her family were "we don't fuck psychopaths, even if we think they're hot", or at least they should have been. Ramsay had already sent his men out after Sansa and Theon, the agreement was for y/n (who was much stronger than the other two, and more resourceful) to escape after Ramsay's men had left, so that there would be no one following her.
"What do you think you're doing?" Ramsay asked, tilting his head to the side in a questioning manner.
"I was planning on making a run for it, if I'm being perfectly honest,"
The bastard only smiled, knowing all too well how blunt and to the point y/n would be. He started to drag her toward where he kept his prisoners, "you know that's not allowed, don't you milady?" He said, placing a hand on the door.
Y/n placed her hand over his and looked him in the eye. "Again, I'll be honest with you," she said, turning to face him "I don't really feel like getting tortured today, can you just let me go with a stern warning?" It was less of a request and more of a statement, which caused the bastard to blink in disbelief. He coughed before saying "What you did was wrong and I do not appreciate it, however as your family is well respected in the north I shall let it go, just this once, so as not to anger anyone " To which y/n smiled, happy her plan had worked.
Y/n never did try and escape again, although she truly loved her dear friend Sansa and longed for nothing more than to be reunited with her, she did realise her life became considerably better without having to defend the lady. She became a handmaiden to Lady Bolton, who was kind but boring compared to her dear Sansa, and served her up until Ramsay had her killed. Lady Bolton had always acted motherly toward y/n, and in a desperate attempt to repay her kindness, y/n rescued Walda's little baby boy. She managed to portray him as the baby of another maid, who she claimed died in childbirth.
This, of course, drew the attention of Ramsay, for he now noticed that her defensive nature was well suited to care for a child. 
He approached her one night on the castle wall, he took the baby's hand in his as he turned to her "Do you know his name?"
Y/n knew what she wanted to name him: Eddard, after her closest brother,and Sansa's father, but she knew this would anger Ramsay.
"Bennet.", she said, naming the child after another one of her brothers. She smiled, trying to figure out what Ramsay wanted.
"If you take him as your own, he would have to be a bastard, unless.." Ramsey said, looking at y/n, "if we were to wed before his official naming, it would make him a Bolton, and therefore my heir,"
Y/n had agreed, if only so that little Lord Bennet could grow up to be who he would have been under Walda's care. The wedding was nothing spectacular, and y/n endured the bedding ceremony to keep Ramsay happy and Bennet safe. Bennet was officially named Bennet Bolton-y/l/n not long after.
Perhaps Ramsay had know the peace would not last long enough for him to father his own legitimate heir. Not one moon passed before Winterfell was attached by Stannis and his men, which worried y/n as she was now Lady Bolton of Winterfell, and she thought both she and Bennet could be executed for her husbands crimes. However it also exited her, the idea she may stop defending herself from Ramsay, and she would once again live a normal life. While the first attack on Winterfell did not succeed, the second, led by Lord Commander Jon Snow of the nights watch and his sister Lady Sansa Stark of Winterfell, was successful. Y/n watched Jon beat her husband bloody, she you saw his eyes shift to her and Bennet on the castle wall just before Sansa stopped Jon from killing him. Y/n hoped he would receive a painful death, and knew that must be why Sansa kept him alive.
Y/n rushed down the small flight of stairs and hurled herself at Sansa. The two girls embraced, smiling at each other.
" I'm so sorry we left you, y/n"
"And I'm so sorry I couldn't follow, Sansa," y/n replied.
"Who is this?" Asked Jon, approaching his sister and gesturing to the baby in y/n's arms. "Y/n, oh he's not yours is he?" Sansa asked, despair laced in her voice. "Gods, no, sweet y/n, he looks like Ramsay! What did he do to you?"
Y/n chuckled, "This is the son of a maid, an orphaned bastard, I said, told him I took him in as a favour, which I did, I suppose. This is Bennet Bolton, Ramsay made me wed him so the child would have a father and he'd have an heir. He needn't have bothered, this is the only true legitimately born child of Roose and Walda Bolton."
Sansa smiled and cooed at the little baby, even Jon held him for a moment, before giving him back to y/n.
"We'll help you find a good husband, y/n, someone to help raise Bennet as your own," Sansa said, smiling.
Y/n smiled back, happy that she was once again home with her very best friend.
>>You know what, I don't really feel like getting tortured today, can you just let me go with a stern warning.<< I found this prompt on tumblr and thought the only character this would work best for would be Ramsey, although I think it is really more of a platonic Sansa x reader and Ramsey doesn't even need to be a part of it 😂

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