Theon Greyjoy x reader

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Nestled in the unforgiving sea, Oar's Rest was the only town upon the isle of Nesmoor, the northernmost settlement of Westeross . The island was tough to get to and hard to rule over, the islanders even more so, and therefore the inhabitants were allowed to govern themselves without interference.
Piddywin Dawnfur, the rightful queen of Nesmoor, had only one true heir: y/n. Her husband had died at sea not long after the birth of the princess, and Piddywin couldn't bring herself to remarry. Y/n grew to be more and more like her father, his thick accent, his eyes and hair were all mirrored in the young lady.
The princess was the pride of Nesmoor, and as she grew she proved herself to be a great leader.
However, y/n yearned to leave her island home and explore the world, both known and unknown. It was the need to adventure that pulled the young princess away from her people, both physically and mentally, and she often found herself sat inside a small rowing boat in the middle of the dock. Soon the dock turned to open water and y/n would be away for days at a time. Despite her wanderings her mother never worried; for a Dawnfur's heart is a compass, as their ancient sigil depicts it, and no matter how far they stray they will always find their way home.
By far her most traveled path was that of a winding fjord to the south of the Great Wall. Y/n would dock her boat along the banks and spend the long summer days exploring the surrounding forest. T'was here she stumbled upon her favourite pastime; the observation of others. Y/n had left her boat on the beach of a river and was sat in a tree, a book of drawings in her lap. The book contained sketches of every person she observed on her travels, but by far her favourite was that of a boy not much older than herself. He often trained with his friends (the young princess decided they could not possibly be brothers, at least not by blood) near the tree she often sat in. Many a pages were dedicated to this boy, and a fair amount to his friends.
Y/n was 15 namedays old when she became queen of Nesmoor, following the death of Piddywin. The island mourned the loss of their great queen for almost one moon. The princess had already proven to be a great ruler and would have been a great queen had not her island been conquered. It was feared a rebellion may take place and so to keep the people quiet Y/n was sent away.
She was 16 namedays when she reached the iron islands. It was surely the best place for her. The iron islands themselves were used to being independent, however they were keen to act loyal in order to secure a queen, even if she was not queen of much. Y/n was somewhat glad too, for the islands were still quiet northern, and were islands after all. She was not treated as a prisoner, she was more like a sister or daughter to Yara Greyjoy. Y/n often asked who she was to the ironborn, and Yara often scoffed before saying "if I were to call you my daughter it wouldn't be right, you're as old as my little brother! I can't have a child as old as my sibling,"
So y/n decided it meant they were sisters.
Their bond was close and Yara was alway kind to y/n, secrets were not often kept from each other. However she was surprised when she found out y/n was a bit of an artist.
"I could show you my old book of drawings if you'd like? I used to explore an awful lot when I was younger, and I used to draw the people I met on my travels," y/n explained, handing over the old leather bound book. Yara flicked through the pages, occasionally commenting or asking about the people she saw. Finally she open the page to see a person she did not expect, her brother. There was no mistaking it. Every feature was exactly how she remembered it, if not slightly different due to age.
"You've met Theon. My little baby brother," she said, finally looking up at y/n. Curious, y/n looked at the page Yara was holding open, only to see the boy she often saw in the forest.
"That is you're brother? I only ever saw him from a tree, I don't think he saw me there though, but it was my favourite tree in my favourite forest. He often trained here with these two," y/n said, pointing to the other two boys she had seen in the forest. Yara began interrogating y/n, anxious to know if her little brother was ok.
"The boys were as kind to Theon as you are to me, although perhaps more playful and loud. They fought, but as brothers would, not as enemies." Y/n reassured her. This seemed to satisfy Yara.

Years had passed with the princess in the care of the ironborn, and she slowly became one of them. The day she truly disconnected from her people was the day she received word the entire town of Oar's Rest had been slaughtered for declaring Robb Stark as the king in the north. Not only had she no people left to rule over but in their last hours they had not remained loyal to her, instead pledging loyalty to another king.
Y/n didn't understand what was happening, Yara was rushing round their room muttering to herself about getting to the docks.
"What's happening,Yara, are we under attack?" The princess questioned. Looking up at the younger girl, Yara realised she must have scared her half to death.
"No, actually, I think perhaps you should come with me. Apparently my brother is returning. I'd like to get a proper judge of character,"
So the plan was set, Yara was to meet Theon by the docks, and y/n was to meet them on her horse before Theon could buy another, assuming he had money. Y/n was slowly making her way down the path to the docks. She was disgusted to see Theon flirting with his sister.
As she approached, Yara noticed Theon's gaze shifting over to y/n.
"How much for the horse, milady," he called out.
"My horse is not for sale, kind sir,"
"Then how much for you to take us to the castle?" He asked, gesturing to Yara besides him.
"My sister rides for free," y/n said, smirking at Yara, "you can walk alongside us,"
Theon began to protest at the idea of walking, Yara stepped in, "Well milord if you are unable to walk so far I will trade places with you, I'm sure I'm more than capable of getting back to the castle on my own," she said, grinning.
Theon huffed, knowing that he must now sound weak, but was too proud to walk alongside Yara and y/n on horseback. So he pulled himself up onto the horse beside y/n and they headed back towards the castle. Theon didn't really want to flirt with y/n, he thought she was definitely prettier than Yara, but he knew she wouldn't flirt back like Yara did.
Y/n and Yara let Theon go she his father first, but walked into the room a few minutes later. Of course Theon was angry, he had expected the girls to wait outside. Then he was shocked, he felt disgusted he had flirted with his own sister. Then lastly he was confused, y/n had mentioned before she was Yara's sister, but Theon only had one sister.
"At least tell me this, who the fuck is she," he yelled at his father.
"She is Queen y/n Dawnfur of Nesmoor, daughter or Queen Piddywin Dawnfur, and we have been trusted to look after her," Yara said.

Y/n had left the room, and went back to her chambers that were connected to Yara's. It wasn't long after than Yara stormed in, "he's a duck but he's my brother, we have to listen to him and trust him, he's one of us!" She muttered. She grabbed her bag and left, slamming the door behind her. Only moments had passed before a knocking sounded at the door.
"Oh, Theon, milord," said y/n, doing an over-exaggerated bow.
"Why have you come here?"
"Well, y'majesty," he said, bowing as she had, "my sister is fighting with my father, and I don't know anyone else here, I was hoping you could fill me in on what has been going on in my absence."
So she did. And a few hours later the two were chatting like friends.
"I feel as if I've known you before," Theon said as they laughed.
" I know you, I used to sit in a tree near the clearing where you trained with the others," y/n said, quietly.
Theon smiled, "yes, I remember you! I always said to Robb and Jon that there was a girl up that tree, they never did believe me,"
Y/n smiled. She knew the conflict Theon was facing but also knew it was moments like these, the ones with memories of a long gone childhood, that could make everything a little more bearable.
Theon wanted to prove himself, but mainly he just really didn't want to do what his father said.
It was foolish to tell a woman your war plans for women make great spies, especially whores. Y/n was no whore, but she was a political figure and therefore he had to be cautious about what he revealed.
"I'm going to go to Winterfell." He didn't say why, " you can meet some of my brothers, no, the other boys brothers. Robb is away at war, and Jon is up at the wall, so you can't meet them."
"And what of their sisters? I've heard of the beautiful Lady Sansa, and the fierce and brave Lady Arya and I would love to meet them,"
Theon blinked and looked away, he could lie to get y/n to go with him, he could say the girls were in Winterfell, but she seemed to want to go anyway.  Maybe if he told her they were trapped in Kings Landing she would have tried to go and get them. That's what he told himself.
"They were recently returned from Kings Landing, although I've not had a letter from either of them,"
Y/n could see him staring at her ear, trying to trick her into believing he was making eye contact. She couldn't understand why he would lie. The princess knew he wanted her to go with him. and she didn't really want to let him win, not if he was trying to trick her.
"Then I can't wait to see them in a few days time," she smiled.
The two then embraced, and stayed like that for quite some time. That was until Yara walked in and was horrified to see the girl she saw as her sister in the arms of her man-whore brother.
"A'right you, get the fuck off of her," she said, grabbing Theons collar. Over Yaras lecturing Y/n heard Theon say:

"I'll call for you in the morning,"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2018 ⏰

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