Not Intentional

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At RAW, Hunter informed us all that we'd be doing a contract signing for our match. We were all pretty excited, me just for getting to work with all my friends.

I went with Maddy to the seamstresses to find an outfit to wear. I ended up going with a pair of black shorts and a black crop top that said 'don't mess with fire'.

I wore my black combat boots and after Maddy got dressed, Sandra took a picture of us for her Instagram.

"You ladies look amazing!" She gushed.

"Thank you Sandra!" I smiled, giving her a hug. She was the best.

I saw Dean walking around out of the corner of my eye and tried steering Maddy the other way, but failed.

She rushed over to him as he stood there, silent.

"Is it really too much to get ahold of me?! I've been worried sick this past week, waiting for a damn call or a text from you and you can't even give me that!" She yelled, drawing everybody's attention to them.

"Maddy, please this will all make sense soon, I promise." Dean said, almost pleading with her.

"I'm not waiting anymore, I can't. I don't know what's going on with you, Dean, but I'm sick of it. We're done." She snapped, before storming off.

I watched as Dean looked at the ground before walking away. I looked between the both of them before following Dean.

He stopped in an empty hallway and turned towards me. "Fuck, this makes things even more complicated!" He exclaimed.

"You have to talk with her and just tell her you wanna marry her then." I suggested.

"No no no, I have everything all planned out for that, and it's not going to get ruined. So I need your help again." He said.

"Dean, I cant. I'm already keeping a secret from Maddy, and I feel terrible." I sighed.

"She'll forgive you for this, trust me. Please?" He begged.

"Fine, what do you want me to do?" I crossed my arms.

"Alright.." He says, beginning to tell me his plan of proposing to Maddy.

All I can say is I hope this works.

All six of us-along with Hunter, stood facing each other in the ring. A long table with the RAW logo was in between us, and the contract laid on top of it.

Hunter had a mic to his lips, waiting to speak after the crowd had died down.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, this year at Wrestlemania is going to be one of the biggest matchcards in all of WWE history!" He yelled, riling the crowd even more. "We have Dean Ambrose, Maddy, and Seth Rollins going against Finn Balor, Harper, and Kevin Owens!"

We all glared down each other, me trying not to laugh staring at Maddy.

"But that's not all..the losing team is being sent to Smackdown, where the winning team stays on RAW!" Hunter finished, before picking up the black pen.

He handed it over to Dean, "Dean, sign this contract please."

"Cmon, we gotta do more than sign a piece of paper and call it a night? Where's the action?! The fun?! We need something to get these people off their seats!" Dean growled.

"Ambrose, I really don't think you should start anything-" Hunter began, but Kevin held his hand up.

"Hunter, let Dean speak. We all know he's all talk anyways. So whatever he says, I'll just prove wrong with my strength." Kevin said, making Dean roll his eyes.

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