Chapter four

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   (Play this song while reading)

Jaylynn pov.

       Have you ever just sat in a dark corner and cried. Like really cried. Well I did just that. It felt as if someone punched open a hole in my chest and was playing tug of war with my heart.

     To have someone I....... to have someone I loved and trusted with everything to just be plotting on me the whole time is the worst feeling ever. It was like losing my mom all over again but this time the hurt was intentional. I don't think I ever felt this type of pain in my life. To just have someone in your life who was like a sister just stabbed you in the back and set your body on fire. It was a very new feeling for me.

      They put me back in the room I woke up in. I lied on the bed thinking how stupid I was to even trust her how could she?! I told her everything! Every! Fucking! Thing! And she turn around and do me dirty like this. And get away with it. Oh no she got me fucked up.

She wanted to do me dirty now watch me do her dirty. I'm gon-

"Ayo open the door!"

Who tf is this?

I wiped my tears and got up from the bed, walking to the door. As soon as I opened the door I went flying to the floor.


      I had hit my head on the floor. And now I see a whole bunch of black dots consuming my vision.

" My bad ma," a voice said before I blacked out.

   Unknown pov.

Damn she fine!

       I picked up the girl and carried her down into the basement, where the rest of the crew was. Well almost the rest. Summer fake ass upstairs crying because she lost her best friend. If she was your best friend how tf you gonna lead her into a trap that might result in her ending up dead.

I set her down in the metal chair that was bolted down into the floor. I began to tie her down, not to tight but tight enough.

     She started to move in her sleep and that signaled beast attention.

" So the little bitch is up huh," he said kicking her in her leg.

      "Why she gotta be a bitch bro. She ain't do nun to you," I said motioning to her unconscious body.

" What the fuck is she to you! I do what the fuck I want to her, when I want, and how I want. And you my friend can't do shit about," he said shoving me.

     "Watch who you put ya hands on bro. You know how I get!"

" I Don't give a fuck how you get!," he said shoving me one last time.

I pulled my right hook back and clocked him in his shit. He stumbled back and put his hand to his nose.

   " Nigga you dead," he yelled charging at me.

    This stick bug looking nigga gonna jump on me like he a fucking spider. I body slammed him into the floor and sucker punched his ass in the eye. I guess his adrenaline kicked in. He kicked me behind my leg causing me to fall. I tried to get up but he had his skinny ass knees in my chest. He was throwing shots from all directions. I blocked as many as I could as kentrell and Chris pull us off each other.

     "I swear god man! You dead to me! Watch when they not here to save yo ass. Your a dead man! You hear me! A DEAD MAN!" He shouted as as kentrell took me out the room.

    Niggas be bonkers!

Summer's pov. 🙄🖕🏾

I can't believe I just lost my best friend. And for what? For a nigga who sleeps with new bitches everyday. A 'family' that hates me. The only good thing that's ever happened to me I fucked up.

  It hurts.

   It hurts to know my best friend is hurting because of me. If I could take it back I would. I'm such a dumbass 😫.
   Maybe I should just go away. Maybe then I wouldn't be a burden to everyone anymore. I just want peace and comfort for once. I hope Jaylynn knows I love her and will always be here for her even if she thinks I'm not.

    I got up from my bed and went into the bathroom. I locked the door and walked over to the medicine cabinet. I got out my blades and ran myself 3 long deep lines across my wrist.

    I felt no pain. I had cried all my pain out. I had no tears left to cry. I got into the tub and turned on the water. I layed back as what I think is my soul leaving my body.

       I felt all the weight get lifted off my shoulders. All my fears and worries washed away. All my pain and suffering..... gone. I could see a light. I knew I had to reach it. My life on earth is worthless. I possibly led my best friend to her death. I have no purpose and should not be forgiven.

     I walked towards the light and left the world of hate and violence.

     I love you Jaylynn. I'm so sorry for all the pain I've caused you. I hope you can forgive me. I will be here for you since I wasn't there when I was alive.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2019 ⏰

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