xxvi| Naufragii

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"Your November rain could set the night on fire
But we could only burn so long."

viginti septem

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viginti septem.


A failure of a relationship or system.



"That's how you explain all your dates," Violet complained in boredom as she clicked her nails on the wooden bench we were sat on. We decided to leave the study room for lunch today, instead sitting on one of the small, round picnic benches in front of the canteen.

"I don't know what else to say," she shrugged.

"How about you tell us where you went, what you did and what you spoke about?" Audrey suggested, equally bored as she sat besides me, playing with her fingers.

"How about I just livestream our date next time and you can insert your thoughts in the form of an Instagram comment?" Anastasia muttered sarcastically as she picked at her food.

"Sounds brilliant," Violet responded, a victorious smile appearing on her face.

"Did you kiss him or not? That's honestly all we want to know." Audrey's voice was lazy, her chin landing in the palm of her hand as she sought some sort of entertainment.

"Yes," Ana admitted, her eyes falling onto her food as she used her hair to cover her face the smallest amount.

"Wait, really?" Violet interrupted, shocked at the thought of innocent Ana getting finally getting not only her first boyfriend but her first real kiss.

"Hey Lise, you've been quiet for a while," Anastasia decided to change the subject, focusing on me completely, and making the girls turn towards me as well.

I had mostly zoned out of their conversation, using my fork to play with my food and keeping my head down. Ever since the incident with Nate, I hadn't really been able to think about much else, the guilt eating my insides slowly and painfully.

I didn't say anything to Ana's topic diversion.

"How's revision been going?" Audrey asked, grabbing a chip from her plate and placing it delicately in her mouth, her conversation being innocent enough.

"Stressful, overwhelming," I began listing as I sighed, telling the complete truth. I was still continuing with my revision, studying four hours per day on school nights and eight hours on weekends.

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