Chapter 5- It's The Malfoy Males

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I really wish time went by faster sometimes. Especially in Transfiguration. I love McGonagall, but she teaches the worst class ever. I mean, yeah it could be worse, but I just don't find any of this interesting. Well, until today's class, when some kid below me asked her a question that was completely unrelated to what we had been learning.

"So class, any questions before the end of the hour?" Nobody had even been paying attention, other than Granger, but she was so smart that she didn't even need to ask questions.

"I have a question?" I turned my head lightly and a couple seats away another fifth year was raising her hand and looking expectantly at Professor McGonagall.

"Okay, go ahead Mrs Lindsey," I turned back to my notebook, expecting it to be something that Professor McGonagall went over at least ten times in class already. I mean, thats what most questions end up being. Then once it's asked, McGonagall will roll her eyes, glare at the student, and answer them.

"What are the Seven Deadly Sind? I heard my friends talking the other day about the Unforgivable Curses and someone mentioned that her mum would relate them to the Seven Deadly Sins. Is that, like, a magical thing? Or Muggle?" Everyone in class turned to look at her, but I just laughed. My mother had told me about the Seven Deadly Sins. They were ridiculous if you ask me.

"Well, I don't know anything about them. Yes, I have heard about them though, and they sound bad." Well, if her not knowing about it doesn't scream Muggle, then I don't know what does. They do probably sound bad, but the thought of them being scary or something, well that just made me laugh again.

The girl who had asked the question looked a little sad, until McGonagall continued. "I don't know them, but seeing as Mrs. Snape here is laughing," I snapped my head up to look at her, my eyes pleading her to stop, cause I know exactly where she's going with this. "I believe she can tell you." I shook my head, and averted my gaze to my hands. Talking in front of the class was one thing I hated doing.

I sat with my head down before a slight tap sounded on my desk. I looked up and smiled sheepishly at Professor McGonagall. Yet, she gave me her signature look, so I sighed and turned to the girl.

"The Seven Deadly Sins are an old Muggle legend. They're basically seven different, uh, aspects of life, you could say. And if you can account yourself to any of these, then you are due to an evil life. It's based off this religion they have and actually pretty dumb if you ask me." The girl only looked even more interested when I finished and everyone else in the classroom was looking at me. I rolled my eyes and turned to Professor McGonagall.

"So?" I looked over at the girl as she leaned towards me in her seat. I gave her a look of confusion and it was her turn to roll her eyes. "What are they?!?"

"You guys actually find this dumb Muggle crap interesting?" McGonagall cleared her throat at my use of a 'swear' word, but I ignored her. The girl nodded and I sighed, but told them anyways. "Well people claim them to be Greed, Pride, Gluttony, Lust, Sloth, Wrath, and Envy."

"How would those be sins? That doesn't make sense?" I don't understand why she, and apparently the rest of the class, with the exception of Malfoy and his goons, found this interesting. But I rolled my eyes and sighed, continuing anyways.

"They say that they take human form. That they become characteristics of people and cause them to be, uh, evil, for lack of better word." I scanned the room, trying to think of a way to explain it. Then my eyes landed on the back desks and I smirked. "Take Pride for example. You all know my dear friend Draco, correct?" I kept my eyes trained on him as he sat up in his desk looking at me. Throughout the classroom there was a course of groans and moans.

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