E7: so close to death

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I tried not to act surprised. Licking my lips I stare at him.
"Oh look he's calling again" he smiled sitting next to me answering the call. I was shaking.
  "What" he sounded so lost,drained and  tired .
"Oh nothing your wife just wanted to say hi"
  I fanned my face because I didn't want him to see me cry but I couldn't handle it. Streams or tears  continuously fall one after the other.

"Verdammt siehst du gut aus" he smiled whistling
(Damn you look good)

"Hör auf zu lügen, du weißt, ich sehe jetzt wie Scheiße aus" I rolled my eyes
(Stop lying you know I look like shit right now)

"Okay, vielleicht habe ich gelogen, aber schau, wie du lächelst."
(Ok maybe I was lying but look your smiling)

I sniffed"Es tut so weh, Baby, ich weiß nicht, ob die Babys am Leben sind, sie haben eine Weile nicht getreten"
( It hurts so bad babe I don't even know if the babies are alive they haven't kicked in a while)

"It's ok love stay strong for me alright I'll find a way to get you all out of there" he put he head down but I knew   he was crying .

"Er brachte mich in ein verlassenes Hotel, es ist wie umgeben, aber Bäume"
(He brought me to an abandoned hotel it's like surrounded by trees)

"Krank bin ich in einer Stunde oben"
(I'll be there in an hour tops)

"I love you " was the last thing I heard before the phone died.
Hours later
" We are loosing her bring her to the room on the left" a nurse yelled
"She's loosing blood"
"Shes loosing a baby"
"Go go go go"
Cries heard form left to right is all i was able to hear before all the lights had shut off
This was just a quick chapter that needed to be publish

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