04: Papa Clint

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"JARVIS?" Albany asked the air, looking towards the ceiling. She wasn't for sure if the computer would answer to her. She only saw Bruce speak to him when she had first arrived at the tower.

"Yes, Albany?" An automated voice questioned. The teen grinned in accomplishment. "Is anyone else awake?"

"Indeed. Clint is currently heading to the main kitchen upstairs."

Albany shook her head, weighing her options, and came to the decision to join the man who saved her. "Great! What floor is that on?"

" Floor 17."

"Thank you."


Albany leaped off of her bed grabbing the phone Tony had given her while she did so. She ran to the closet excitedly and whipped its double doors open. Eagerly the brown haired girl grabbed dark blue jeans, a red tee shirt and some white shoes. Her mess of hair was thrown behind her in a low ponytail.

She entered the elevator chuckling as JARVIS sent it immediately to floor 17. Out of anyone in the tower, she was glad Clint was the one awake. Currently he was the one who she trusted the most, and was the most comfortable around. The elevator dinged as the tall steel doors opened and Albany suddenly felt nervous.

Other than what she saw on TV from the battle of New York, Albany didn't know these people. Each Avenger was older than her, and from her eyes, of much more importance. The teenager still didn't understand why they had taken her under their wing. Were they keeping something from her? Was she secretly a threat? Would they kill her while she was sleeping? Albany swallowed dryly and entered the kitchen.

She instantly spotted Clint who sat at the breakfast bar, half eaten waffles on his plate. His head shot up at the sound of her footsteps.

"Morning Ally." He spoke with a mouthful of waffles.

Albany raised her eyebrows. "Ally? Huh. Nicknames after spending only 24 hours in the tower?"

"Just trying something new."

"Nicknames are how you get attached, old man." Albany opened a few cabinets until she had found a stack or dark blue bowls. "You don't want to get attached to me."

Clint rolled his eyes. "I give you a cute nickname and I get old man? Unfair."

The teenager let a laugh roll of her tongue while she grabbed milk out of the fridge and cereal out of another wooden cabinet. "Mind if I join you?"

"Not at all." The archer took another bite of his own breakfast.

Albany sat down on the stool beside him and poured milk then cereal into her bowl. "So do you all live here? Avengers Assemble and all of that?"

"Nah. We all come and go, Thor is the rarest to stop by. Most of us happened to be here when we found you."

"Lucky me."

"Lucky you. You're a tough girl, going through all of this without complaint, even lying to your boyfriend." He has to compliment her bravery,

"Oh my god!" Albany exclaimed then swallowed a spoonful of cereal. "First of all, don't listen to Stark! I've learned that after one night here! Second of all, he's not my boyfriend!"

"But you have to admit. You are strong, going through all of that pain, finding out that you have unknown substances inside you. The side effects are unpredictable. And here you are eating Lucky Charms with a guy who calls himself Hawkeye."

Albany looked down, "Well, thank you for reminding me my life sucks."

"I want my daughter to grow up just like you." He murmured, not really acknowledging her negative comment.

Her light features lifted up in surprise, "You have a daughter?"

"Yeah, Lila. And a son, his name's Cooper." Clint smiled wide. "But Laura, she's expecting, and secretly, I hope it's another girl." He whispered in excitement, and Albany couldn't remove the smile from her face.

"That's amazing! Have you told the rest of the team?"

Clint released a light laugh. "Natasha is the only one who even know they exist." Albany's jaw dropped, astonished.

"Why tell me?"

"I trust you Ally. I'm not sure why, but you fit in here perfectly, I just don't think the others know it yet."

Albany shifted in her seat. "And I understand if you don't trust us yet. I trust and love easily, it's one of my flaws." Clint admitted. "Don't take my words as a push for you to do anything."

"Thanks old man."

"Anytime Ally."

A/N: Here's a little fluffy chapter with Clint, obviously he's going to be an important person in Albany's life. I felt we needed a little character development with these two. 

Sorry for the short filler chapter, I promise some intense stuff will happen soon! Thank you for reading!

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