06: Sting Ray Appears

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It had been 4 days since Albany had arrived at Avengers Tower and had been staying with the team. She had considerably warmed up to the group, especially after finding out from Steve that everyone had been staying at the tower just for her. Albany knew that they had normally not lived there. But they were doing so, and being kept away from their own lives and family specifically for her.

Albany spent most of her time with Clint, talking about past missions and his time as a S.H.I.E.L.D agent. But her favorite stories were the ones of his family. It felt like a warm fuzzy secret whenever he mentioned a time with Laura or the kids. It was a heartwarming feeling knowing that a crime stopping Avenger had such a soft side.

Clint loved having someone to talk to, he knew he was a child on the inside. Being around one kind of just brought it all back up. Natasha had teased him about his sudden uplifted mood ever since Albany had arrived, but really, she was a total sunshine. She brought a light to this group that no one else had seen yet. To them, her brightness was still hidden behind the storm clouds, fighting to be leaked through.

He knew ever since she had convinced every Avenger to sit down and have dinner together. Which had never happened before her arrival. It seemed she was slowly gluing them closer than ever. Since then, every evening they sat down and ate take out food with each other. Clint knew deep down in his heart that every member had a soft spot for Albany.

The girl had even convinced Tony to let her see the lab, and some of his exclusive suits and new projects. No one was sure exactly how she managed to do it, but Tony was confused himself as he walked outside the room, haven previously given her an entire tour. Bruce joked at dinner that compulsion was possibly one of her powers. The past 4 days had been the most lighthearted and care free lived days the Avengers had ever experienced. And ones they would learn to hold close in soon coming dark times.

Today Albany had managed to arrange a day with Marshall. It had been too long since she had seen her best friend, and she couldn't imagine his boredom without her. He after all, did not have the Avengers to hangout with when need be. She fidgeted with the white sling as Natasha bounced a cotton ball on her face. Her and Natasha had grown closer, but not as much as with the others. The woman was still intimidating to Albany, and Nat wasn't one to trust easily either.

But Natasha was there to offer help without complaint, and that's all that mattered. "Is the makeup really necessary?" Albany asked, wincing when Nat's nail hit her forehead.

She gave a small smile in apology, her eyes still trained on the purple makeup. "You told the boy you had bruises and road burn. Injuries like that don't go away within 96 hours."

"Yeah. I know, I know." Nonetheless Albany rolled her eyes. "But maybe the broken arm was a bit too much."

"No." The female Avenger retorted. "You had to give a reason for you to stay, to heal. A severe broken arm was perfect, accurate for a car accident." She paused. "You did good."

Albany gave a tight smile of gratitude, it wasn't everyday Black Widow complemented you. After another moment Natasha leaned back in her seat. "All done."

"Thanks Nat." 

"No problem Ally." She replied simply and walked off, using the nickname that Clint created; that had quickly spread throughout the group. Albany untucked her brown hair from behind her ear, letting it fall naturally. She fiddled with the phone Tony had given her on her first day at the tower, remembering the encounter. It felt as if it was a year ago, not just a few days. Collapsing on the ground-- feeling all of that pain-- felt immensely long ago. 

As much as it pained her to even say it, Albany hadn't thought of Marshall much. Guilt ached her stomach each time he called, because truthfully she hadn't ever thought of him until that moment. That being said Albany took the time she had currently to ponder what Marshall would do in her situation. She knew almost for sure that her best friend would have told her the truth; that he was under observation by the Avengers because he was dangerous.

That's what Albany was-- dangerous. The teen was a bomb, waiting to explode. Except her trigger could be pressed from anything as simple as a glance in her direction and that terrified her. The phone in her lap vibrated suddenly, failing to pull Albany out of her thoughts.

Steve suddenly walked in the kitchen, beside the couch where the girl sat. The super soldier studied her frozen figure, his eyes wide in slight worry. "You okay, Ally?"

The teen didn't hear him.

"I think you're friend is here. There's a red car outside."

Albany blinked a few times, her eyes dry from the lack of. She had just noticed the Avenger in the room. "Yeah." She replied softly, "I think I just got... the text." Albany spoke slowly and raised her phone in the air. Though her eyes were still trained elsewhere, focused in her own world.

"Okay." Cap continued to watch her. "Well don't keep him waiting."

Another vibration came from her phone which seemed to bring her back to reality. "Thanks." And without another word, Albany walked outside the room towards the elevator, Steve's confused eyes following her path. He picked up his mug of coffee and took a sip, noting to inform Clint of this later. He knew how to talk to her.

Albany let JARVIS take her to the bottom floor, excitement rushing to her head all at once, making her slightly dizzy. The elevator touched solid ground, the doors opening painfully slow. The teenager cursed at the machine under her breath, tapping her foot impatiently. Finally the giant doors had opened, and she spotted the familiar tall blonde boy she had grown up with. He had his back towards her, and rapidly turned around at the sound of the elevator dinging.

The two stared at each other, simply taking in each other's appearances. Her eyes scanned his body gratefully, just ecstatic at the sight of him. While his expression carried a worried face. Marshall eyed her bruised face, and cast arm. He had no doubt there was a lot of bruising elsewhere too.

"Sting Ray." Albany had finally spoke, barely keeping her voice from cracking. Before his eyes had started to tear up, Marshall ran forward and into her small figure. He was so much taller than her, that his chin could comfortably rest on the top of her head; something he was tremendously fond of. Albany breathed in his familiar scent. The one thing she could never get tired of was Marshall's smell. He would forever be Albany's safe place, her home. No matter how great the Avengers tower was, never could it replace the feeling she got whenever with Marshall. 

The hug was released and Marshall's blue eyes examined the bruising on Albany's forehead closer. She caught his wandering eyes. "It's fine. Doesn't hurt that much."

Marshall gently brushed her dark brown hair behind her ear and out of the way from her forehead. Albany faked a convining wince of pain as his fingers passed the bruise.

He hummed. "Fine. Sure." His eyes rolled, and he brought he best friend in for another hug, to which she didn't refused. "Should we go take a road trip, catch up."

Albany gave a huge smile. "I have so much to tell you."

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