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"What are you two even doing in here?" you asked from the far side of the lab, inspecting what the two geniuses were doing, only to find them both elbow deep in some form of research and building work. Tony lifted his goggles to the top of his head; Bruce was working on a laptop that was connected to the metal contraption that Tony was soldering together.

The metal contraption was as tall as the eleven-foot ceiling, basically just a metal frame with nothing on the inside, on one side it had some control panel that was hanging off by some wires. A plug socket that was plugged into the laptop, it was very odd looking and you had no clue what any of it was. Tony gave out a long sigh, putting the blowtorch down he walked towards you, clearly annoyed by you interrupting their steady work.

"This machine will change how we see the world... forever," he tells you and all you do is frown at him, slowly lifting in your eyebrows in question at the dramatic man before you, "basically, using Wanda's powers plus Vision, along with my high-tech equipment and Banner's brain, we will be able to see the future through this... portal-thing-bit" he gestured to the open space within the frame, again you frowned at him, not really getting the whole project.

"How is that helpful?" you asked, another groan was emitted by Tony, it caused Bruce to laugh silently to himself in the corner.

"Is this like the other experiment that caused you to go back twenty years and we had to deal with a young you?" you asked, amusement lacing your voice as he glares stiffly at you.

"Sweet, young (Y/N)," he patted your cheek just a little too harshly, causing you to pull away and glare back at him. "Don't ever bring that up again and this is better since you aren't an Avenger you wouldn't understand how convenient this could be, for myself and the team," he tells you, you roll your eyes at him. You weren't an official Avenger but you worked closely with them along with Coulson's team.

"Imagine us knowing our next threat, their next move before they even do? It will change everything," he gleamed with hope and happiness, you were more than willing to wipe that smug look on his face, any chance you got to do it... you did it.

"Wow, you have finally gone insane," you sigh out, he shoots you another glare before walking to go back to work, pushing his goggles back down and picking the blowtorch up. "Messing with the future will cause it to bite back," you sing to him and Bruce before walking towards the door, you are left with Tony flipping you off and Bruce just shrugging saying, Tony, bribed him.


"Tony has finally gone bonkers," you sigh out sitting down with Wanda, Sam, Bucky and Steve, they all chuckled and nodded in agreement. "You know what he is doing down there and dragged poor Banner into?" you asked and they all shrugged, having learned quickly not to even step foot down there, considering everything that happened; usually Steve checks to make sure they aren't doing anything reckless. "He's trying to make some portal in order to see the future or something like that," you tell them all.

"If he achieves it then I will be seriously impressed," Steve admits from behind his newspaper, you let out a small sigh, which causes him to put the paper down. "Listen, his last two experiments failed, so I highly doubt this will work; it's one of those spark of the moment Stark ideas, they never come together enough to work," he smiles before lifting the paper back up.

"if he does succeed, tell him to get next week's lottery numbers," Sam says as he stands up to go to the kitchen, Wanda and Bucky yell for him to get them juice; Bucky turns to you with a thoughtful glance.

"Tell him to look into the year 3000, I heard they are living underwater," you laugh, nudging him away, yourself and Bucky had become great friends when he recently joined the Avengers. He had caught you singing along to some songs, that song really stood out to him for some reason, so he usually brings it up in conversation or even sings it on missions.

Alternate "You"Niverse *Bucky Barnes x Reader*Where stories live. Discover now