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"Pietro?" you frowned, you didn't understand how this was possible, he had died during the battle with Ultron in saving Clint and a little boy.

"If you say that stupid catchphrase, I'm gonna scream," Steve told him sharply, Pietro's short chuckle rang through the silent, stocked kitchen. "But... how? How are you here?"

"Well, I am not dead, that's the main thing," he stated clearly, walking into the room fully "my body was healing itself, too slowly for my liking, Dr Cho said I still had a pulse; it was faint and slowing but she managed to kick-start me back up and I've been in a temporary coma as my body healed itself."

"Someone should go get Wanda plus the others," Natasha commented and you nodded in agreement with her, knowing everyone would want to see Pietro, you were still slightly stunned by this; despite only knowing him for a few short days, he was still a friend and one you had felt grief for.

Hayley stood up, stating she'd go round up some of the people, Natasha following after her to collect Tony and Vision plus Bruce from the lab. You walked over to Pietro and hugged him gently, he chuckled and hugged you back, pulling back and speeding to Steve's side and patting his shoulder, only now realising Chris.

"I know I was gone for a while but since when did you have a bearded twin?" he asked Steve, you snickered as Chris laughed loudly, nudging Steve with his shoulder who just sighed.

"Actually, about that, Tony opened a portal to another realm type thing and a bunch of alternate us came through, hence the bearded me," Steve sighed gently.

"Chris Evans, actor," he held out his hand to Pietro who just grinned and shook his hand.

"Pietro Maximoff, superhero, I guess."

"брат!" everyone turns to the door to see Wanda, grinning as widely as ever, a few tears trailing down her cheeks as she runs to Pietro who has already rushed her into a bone-crushing hug, everyone slowly fans in; Pietro smiling at them but not ever letting go of his sister, in fear he won't ever hug her again.

"Apparently, Stark already knew of this news, so he is staying down in his lair," Natasha walked in, Vision trailing behind her along with Bruce and Bucky, you sat down at the breakfast bar watching as everyone greeted Pietro.

"Tony had told me but a part of me believed it wasn't true," Wanda sighed, pulling Pietro to Aaron, making a very confused Pietro slightly freaked out "this is Aaron, he plays you."

"Yo, Stevie-baby," Sam slaps Steve upside the head, Chris chuckles along with you, "wanna come along with me on a quick jog? Get away from the drama?"

"That sounds pretty great," Steve sighs out, standing up and patting Chris on the shoulder "catch you all later, gonna go lap, Wilson."

"For an old man, you sure got a cocky-ass mouth!" Sam grumbled following Steve out of the kitchen, leaving yourself and the others to chuckle at their bickering behaviour.

"I'll catch my brother up to speed with everything" Wanda smiled gently, dragging Pietro from the kitchen, along with Aaron and Elizabeth following after them.


"Loki is played by a good friend of mine, Tom, Tom Hiddleston!" Chris explains to Thor who are both sat in the living room, watching something random on the TV, Paul Rudd and Chris Evans sat also but more focused on the television than the actual conversation happening.

"Is he anything like his character, my brother?" Thor asked, glancing at himself, it didn't really shock Thor all that much; he knew about the different realms of the universe, of course, another him did kind of freak him out but it wasn't as odd as everyone made it seem.

Alternate "You"Niverse *Bucky Barnes x Reader*Where stories live. Discover now