Hospitalized!Katsuki x Reader (pt 2)

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Ship: Reader x Bakugo

Relationship Status: Dating

Title: Hospitalized

Notes: None B

I felt a hand caressing the side of my face while i slept,
I nuzzled into the warm touch not wanting it to leave but to my dismay the warmth retracted and i woke, rubbing my eyes "Katsuki?" I questioned
"What." He said looking up from his phone "baby, are you feeling any better?" I asked rubbing his lower arm "yeah, but when ever i move too quick my fucking stiches hurt." He replied eyeing his phone again

Different video's from Instagrand (sat there for 5 mins trying to come up with a name) were heard from his phone until a similar sounding one started to play "wheres our children?" Katsuki's drugged up self said from his phone "WHERE DID THIS FUCKNUT GET THIS FOOTAGE?!?!" he yelled in embarrassment "Ah! Fuck!" He winced at the pain "dont get yourself worked up!" I said resting my hand on his chest "besides i already said, Id love to have children with you, Katsuki" i said embarressed at my own words 

"HEYYY BAKUBRO!" Kirishima barged in "Are you feelin any better, man?" He smiled throwing his hands on his hips  "im fucking fine shitty hair!" Katsuki growled back.
While Katsuki and Kirishima talked i was daydreaming about children...with katsuki...

"Daddy! Daddy!" A child who had katsuki's piercing eyes and my h/c hair ran up the stairs "HEYY! WHATS UP SQUIRT!?!" he said scooping the child into his arms "Mommy made dinner!" The child smiled
"She did, did she? Well lets go wash up! " he smiled back, after washing up and coming downstairs to the small round dining room table Katsuki set the child in her booster seat and pecked my cheek "i love you, darling~"




"AH, YES?!" i was snapped from my thoughts
"are you ok?, you were staring into space, dude." Kirishima asked putting an arm around my shoulder

Time skip

"Yes, we just checked him out from the hospital....yup.......of course......see you then Mitsuki!" I hung up the phone and looked back at Katsuki leaning on Kirishima for support i rushed over to his other side and lifted his arm over my shoulders "Ow! FUCK!" he hissed "ohmygod katsuki im so sorry!" I said feeling guilty "No!No! Youre fine!" He said through clenched teeth

I sat beside Katsuki in the backseat of Kirishima's red car

(Looks like this)

Katsuki clutched his torso And hissed again "CANT THIS PIECE OF SHIT DRIVE ANY FASTER?!" He yelled in pain

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Katsuki clutched his torso
And hissed again "CANT THIS PIECE OF SHIT DRIVE ANY FASTER?!" He yelled in pain

" BakuBro, i cant break the law! Also Scarlet and I are gonna pretend you didnt just say that" Kirishima said cheerful

I Unbuckled katsuki's seatbelt and leaned him up against me "shh katsuki" i soothed petting his head softly "we're almost home" i said calmly "i fucking hope so...Fuck." he gripped my hand roughly

"We're here, BakuBro!" Kiri put the car in Park and hopped out "Thank Fuck!" Kirishima helped him from the car but he got out too fast causing Katsuki to wince again, his knees buckled "I gotcha man!" Kirishima caught him
. He pulled katsuki up bridal style "what..are you..doing sh-shitty hair" Katsuki grumbled out in pain "I know this position isnt exactly..uh prefered but its the easiest way to carry you with out hurting you" Kirishma sweat dropped
"ill get the door" i offered running ahead to open the front door for them.

"Thanks y/n!" he said going straight to the living room couch, setting Katsuki down with care "Ill be right back bro, ill go fix you something to eat" he walked off to the kitchen "Katsuki?" I asked a smug look on my face "hm?" He responded finally relaxing i pecked his rough lips "wh-at'd you do that for?" He said kinda flustered "well i sorta promised the drugged up Katsuki that i would kiss him when he was sober." I explained a bit flustered myself "...can you do it again?"he askes looking at the oh so interesting wall "as many times as you want~" i said leaning back in "OK, FOODS ALL DONE!" Kirishima joyfully said obviously proud of his own efforts Katsuki and i jumped apart like we werent about to kiss "uhm, Kiri could you bring it here?" I asked shyly "Oh!right!" He smiled zipping over to Katsuki "say Ah!" He smiled "I CAN FEED MY DAMN SELF SHITTY HAIR!" katsuki yelled "Ok! Ok!" Kirishima surrendered

I giggled at them 'Katsuki's so lucky to have Kirishma as a friend'

"What are you laughing at?!" My explosive boyfriend yelled in his usual tone

"Just something nice i thought about!" I smiled

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