Kirishima x Deku

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Ship: KiriDeku

Relationship Status: Crushing

Title: "I don't know how,  Kiri-kun"

Notes: fuk ur chicken strips

Requested by: SqishySquish

3rd Person

Midoriya knocked on Kirishima's door. they had plans to hang out that weekend, and Izuku was stoked to see his red head crush

The door swung open and there stood Eijiro his usual happy toothy smile plastered on his taned face

"Hey Midoriya! Come on in!" He threw his arm over the smaller teen and lead him to the living room.
Izuku smiled from ear to ear as he saw 3 All might movies laying on the coffee table he gave a few light bounces "A-Are we going to watch those limited edition movies?!"

Eijiro smiled watching the cute freckled boy practically squealing over the movies "yup!" He said putting the movie in and sitting on the couch the green haired teen sitting next to him with a blush

The movie was about All Might trying to balance his hero life and his normal life. There was a lot of conflict with his girlfriend and his boss.
Kirishima got up halfway through the movie to make popcorn and Izuku sat there studying the screen

"Jessica,  I'm home!" All might called out
Then a woman with a curvey body and a tear stained face stepped out and sniffled "y-yagi.. Do you even love me anymore?"
All night's happy face turned into a concerned one and he quickly rushed up to the female "Jessica.. Of course I..-Why would you think that?" He soothed her by rubbing her shoulders "I-Its just that... You're always gone so late..I feel so lonely.. And I can't help but to get paranoid.." He sobbed
"Baby.. I won't let you feel lonely tonight." All might said crashing his lips onto hers

Izuku touched his lips.
He realized he had never kissed anyone before.
but then again he never gave any thought to that sort of thing he thought about if maybe Kirishima knew how

"You enjoying that woman's curves?" The man himself asked in return Izuku jumped "Wha? -N-No!" He denied.  He wasn't aware but he was hardcore staring at the screen in thought

Kirishima laughed "it's ok Midoriya,  every guy does it. Sometimes when I see a well endowed woman I can't help but to stare too."
Izuku blushed and strangely felt a pang of jealousy

"Kiri-kun I-Im... I'm not attracted to females.. " He played with his hands
And Kirishima jumped slightly at this statement and quickly sat next to Izuku taking his hands in his "I'm so sorry, Midoriya.  I shouldn't... - I shouldn't have assumed" He sounded
So comforting in that moment,  enough so,  that Izuku fell into him in an -almost hugging- type way

"It's ok kiri-kun"

" why you were staring ao much at the screen so much then?"

"I-I uhm... I don't know how to do that" Izuku mumbled

"Do what?"

"K-kiss like that and other romantic stuff.."

Eijiro didn't miss a beat before he practically yelled
"I-Ill show you how!"


"I'll help you.  I know how to do that stuff"

Izuku blushed a deep red before nodding and turning to him, the red head pulled the smaller teen into his lap and laid his rough hands on Izukus thighs "just follow my lead ok?"

The freckled boy nodded and hesitantly leaned in.  The second their lips connected,  both teens felt something strange.

Kirishima moved his lips against Midoriya's, and soon Izuku started to mirror his actions

Eijiro held his thighs and leaned him back their kiss starting to become heated.
Izuku opened his mouth for a small moan and the red head shoved his tongue in his mouth,  the sensation was fucking amazing,  he shivered in anticipation


kirishima snapped out of his lustful trance and sat up quick,  tears pricked his eyes.  He had betrayed his friends trust.. What kind of man was he? "Izuku! -Fuck! I'm so sorry I shouldve asked... I didn't mean to-"

"Eijiro!  I-Its ok!  I.. I liked it.. Can we continue?"

He stiffened and nodded with a blush.  Kirishima leaned back down continuing their previous heated kiss


The two teens went back and forth establishing dominance, 
Articles if clothing were discarded to the floor and Izuku grinded up against Eijiro

"F-Fuck" The red head groaned out wanting more friction
"W-wait" He got up and left the room for a few minutes,  leaving Midoriya behind to wonder if he did something wrong

"I thought we might need this" He held up a condom  and swiftly ripped it open putting it on

Izuku nodded and spread his legs slightly embarrassed "i-is my body ok? I feel kinda self-conscious.."

"What are you talking about?  Your body is beautiful" He leaned down and pecked his lips again

The Green haired boy giggled and scrunched up his nose "stop it Kiri-Kun"
"I'm serious" They exchanged blushes before continuing

" we go" Kirishima pushed into him slowly
"A-ah" Izuku clasped a hand over his mouth to silence his whimpering
"A-are you ok?" The concerned red head stopped to look at his broccoli

"K-Keep going!  I-Im fine!"
He practically moaned out,
Eijiro did as instructed and pushed himself fully in.
He waited awkwardly, rubbing Izuku's thigh to sooth him

"Y-you can move now.. J-just start out slow"
And he did start out slow

I'm so sorry)

As the pace built,  kirishima's house filled with Izuku's loud moaning,  his light grunts,  and the sound of skin slapping together

"K-Kiri! AHh!~ Harder!~"
Their minds clouded with lust, and they could only think of now

"I-Im gonna cum!" Eijiro yelled to where it was possible for the neighbors to hear,
Izuku was moaning so much to the point that if he wanted to respond he couldn't.

The hardening quirk user thrusted in a few more times before his cum filled Izuku's hole,  In which the freckled boy was trembling with overwhelming amount of pleasure

  *Time skip to after the            gross clean up*

The boy's were in Eijiro's bed, engulfed in one anothers presence.

"Hey Izuku?"

"Yeah Kiri Kun?"

"Would you consider.. Uhm... Being mine?"

Izuku laughed making Eijiro nervous

"Of course silly!"
As soon as those words left the bush head,  the larger teen wrapped his arms around him in a snug embrace

"Y-you don't know how long I've wanted to hear that"

"... I love you"

"I love you too"


Oof I hope this was ok!

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