Katsuki x Reader ☆

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Ship: Katsuki x Reader

Relationship Status: crushing

Title: Guess we wont study?

Included Art Credit: Horikoshi

Notes: none

Requested by: No one


I sat at my table, my Geometry notes out along with a Book the teacher lent out to me. I tried to sit still and read over my notes that I took previously from a few days ago.

'Get ready for tonight..'

Katsukis voice rung in my ears, causing a giant red hue to spread evenly over my entire face, "Wh-What the hell? - Stop thinking about him, Y/n!" I hit my cheeks in attempt to slap myself out of the immense feelings this boy gave to me.
Usually i was open to friends coming over but when he told me he planned to study at my place I couldn't help but to think suggestively when he said it to me. It seemed like the blonde I was oh so crushing on, had bigger plans then just studying.

'I'm gonna rock your fuckin' world'

"AHHH! -OKAY BREAK TIME!" I shot out of my seat in my parents kitchen and proceeded to get a drink of water.-well that was a lie try 6 cups of water and a splash to my face. "I'm such a pervert.." I whined with my face and my blue sweater now wet, but I didn't care about that. I just wanted these sinful thoughts out of my head. "Alright, let's get ahold of yourself, Y/n" You encouraged yourself before you pushed up your wet Reading/Prescription glasses.

"Hey- Maybe he isn't even gonna come over" I smiled to. Myself, "He's just trying to get in my head and distra-" I started before a rather loud pounding came to my front door.

"Heh- What." I quickly turned around and snapped my head back at the white door before me

"H-he's Here?!" You panicked and ran around like a chicken who had lost his head, "What the hell?! How am I supposed to answer the door?! Why the hell is he here?!" I jumped up and down before I hit my cheek once more, "Pull yourself together, Y/nnnn!" I took a deep breath and opened the door,
"H-Hey, Kastuki!" Well that was more energetic then I meant to come off but I guess I roll with it.

"Whatsup, nerd?" He said with a calm face, not a wrinkle in sight.- woah. When katsuki relaxed his face he kinda looked like a real guy that you could approach. Not to mention, but his skin looked so smooth, along with his complexion, not a pimple or wound in sight. I looked over his red hues that usually held boredom before smiling like an idiot, that boy was so beautiful, beautiful enough to make my knee's weak.

(..-Arms are heavy, there's vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti
S̶o̶r̶r̶y̶ ̶N̶o̶t̶ ̶s̶o̶r̶r̶y̶)

"Y-Yeah" I leaned against the door some, I definitely didn't answer his question from before, Whoops.
"Distracted, Y/n? " he asked with a small smirk. That damnned smile, one that would make my knees buckle underneath me and make me feel so powerless, I loved it and hated it at the same time. Sometimes I didn't realize just how much this blonde did to me.
"Dis-Distracted? Why uh- Why would I be distracted?" I asked while I backed up, Katsuki pushed his way in by just walking up to me. It was like when you run into Npc's in certain games, they just slide in whatever direction you take them. I backed up until I ran into the table where I was sitting a few minutes ago.

"Geez Y/n If I didn't know any better I'd say your mind is elsewhere..-Dare I say, me?" He placed his arms on the table, both sides of his muscular arms holding me hostage. "You?! Pfft- Ha haha!" You laughed rather unconvincingly, to. Which his ruby eyes looked at you with a questioning look.
"Alright!- Fine! Maybe you were on my mind!" I shouted and pulled his rather soft cheeks, "Now quit pestering me about it, Dumbass!" I practically growled. He looked slightly taken back, "wait- Seriously? You think about me too?" He looked over your e/c hues, a seemily small blush on his cheeks.
"'Too'?" I looked in his now nervous ruby orbs. He nodded, confirming your suspicion.

"Katsuki.." I quietly said before My fingers laced into his ash blonde hair. I was surprised he let me cross such a territory, I mean he wouldn't even Midoriya wave to him, the poor guy. I felt my thumbs lightly touch his warm face, it was so cool and soft, I was right, He has to let me know what the hell he's using to moisturize, because damn. Compared to him, I have patchy alligator skin. His eyes looked at me and then down at my lips, did he want to kiss me or something? I let the pad of my thrumb rub over his cheek, "Can I.. Kiss you?" He asked hesitantly as his mind seemily ran a million miles per hour.

"Pfft! Can you kiss me?" I repeated the question before laughing a bit more, which I guess made his nervous about the question. "Yes, you dummy" I pulled his face closer by his cheeks, considering our height difference, he was really ducking down to just place a kiss to my lips, but oh well- sacrifices must be made! He wet his bottom lip with a sharp glide of his tongue before the plump skin was taken in between his teeth, and if that wasn't enough, his eyes were still shifting slowly between my e/c eyes and my pink flushed lips.

"Are you gonna do it or did you wanna stare at me some more?" I teased as his eyes looked at me confused. I didn't know at the time but Katsuki liked to take in every beautiful thing about my face before he intimately kissed me, it was strangely adorable. I rolled my eyes and finally pulled him toward me, his lips hit my own in a soft, new kiss. It was scary, for the both of us I imagine, we didn't want to give too much or too less, and tongue was out of the question.

Soon we parted our mouths and just looked at each other, it was in no way sexual, but for some reason I felt so out of breath and both of our eyes were lidded, "Y/n..?" Katsuki's arms that kept me in place for this entire time pushed me back against the table and his soft, plump lips met mine once more, "M-Mph!" I let out a small noise of surprise as my back met the table and my glasses sort of fell off onto the table. I hope my parents dont come down, I don't want to stop but if my Dad see's Katsuki, he's dead. I wanted to warn him, I really did, but I also just wanted him to keep kissing me, deeper, more intimately, more.. Sexually if you will.

He let out a small groan, his body was bent over the table as well, his forearms up by both sides of my hair, his teeth pulled my bottom lip in between his dull teeth and lightly pulled it back before he released it back and went back down for more, it was almost like my lips were a drug for him, he couldn't stop coming back for more and I couldn't complain, I rather liked the way his lips felt against mine. It was a rollercoaster of emotion that we were riding up hill way too quickly, and I knew that because of the next thing that happened.

"Not in my kitchen!"



Holy shit im tired

But i did it

Hope u enjoyed


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