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Words: 5.4k

Warnings: Violence, some indications of past abuse.



The castle was vast, with hidden corridors that led to more rooms then you assumed you'd be able to count on both hands and feet – and yes, even if Hell, if you explored far enough you'd reach bone-chilling cold.

That was probably why Tom didn't go down there much. That, or the fact that no one dared to provoke him. People were far too afraid to taunt the king, wallowing in their fears of one day getting on his bad side from their assigned spots in the underworld.

But now, Tom stared down at the two fallen angels who looked scared out of their minds. Good. His heavy footsteps had woken them from a deep, most likely uncomfortable sleep against the concrete flooring and pulled them up abruptly, wings stiff and standing in a defensive stance. Though there was no point, they had no power down here.

"This can go one of two ways." He begins, refusing to look the two petrified angels in the eyes. "You can tell me what I want to know and leave with your wings still attached to your flesh, or you can stick to your confidential bullshit and remain down here with the rats and let me tell you... they haven't been fed in a very, very long time."

The words slip from Toms' mouth with such ease. He could've gone on if he really wanted too, but Tom was already agitated enough and impatient as it was. He wanted answers and he wanted them the second you had arrived. Now, it had been three days and he was still as clueless as before.

The angels tremble in fear, lips wobbling as the demon paces.

One swallows, his blonde hair stuck to a sweaty forehead. "What do you want to know?"

"I want information about a certain angel and I want to know everything that you know. Don't hold back, because I surely won't if I decide you're dragging this out." Tom clicks his tongue, wanting to escape the eary cold. "Y/N Y/L/N, tell me about her." The angles freeze, trembling halting and their eyes widen. Tom smirks to himself. "You know something and I want to know what, then you can go."

"We can't–"

Tom seethes, his eyes growing a sick shade of grey – damn near black. "Heaven didn't want you, they spat you out and expected me to kill you, to rip the feathers off of your back and make you beg for mercy. But instead, I took you in, fed you and provided you shelter. I didn't do so much as touch a hair on your neck. Do you really think that if you keep your mouths shut they'll come running back because you proved your loyalty? They don't want you." Tom was being truthful and he watches carefully, seeing their faces shift. "Now, tell me and you can go. It's as easy as that."

They share glances, cold fingers forming clenched fists. Tom knows that he's got his way – in fact, he had no doubt in his mind that he'd get his way the second he marched down concrete steps.

With parted lips, the angel speaks. "We don't know much but they were always scared of her."

Tom interrupts, "Who's they?"

"The council." They reply hastily, wanting to get back to the homes they had been provided. For a moment there's silence. The beating of their hearts can be heard over the eary nothingness. "They would keep her isolated, exclude her from things and just make sure she never felt like she was a part of anything. We were never told why but... they made sure we never got too close."

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