6. Queen

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"Good morning, darling." Tom spoke, taking another sip of his rich black coffee before placing the mug down.

You were wearing something simple, something that they'd make you wear in Heaven. It was black and Toms eyes almost popped right out of his head at the sight of the black, slip on dress. Somehow just the sight of you in that dress made Hell (the hottest place of Earth) even hotter.

"Morning, Tommy." You pull out the side beside him and go to sit down but he flicks a hand, making the seat push back in, already hidden by the large dining table and you stare. "What-"

"How about my lap, princess?" He says it so casually and it makes your breath catch in the back of your throat as he taps his lap expectantly. Of course, he wouldn't force you if he didn't want too but after your dream a couple of nights ago, he wasn't really expecting you to turn your back.

And yes, Tom knew about the dream. Of course he did, the second he felt something... different he quickly wormed his way into your head and almost fell out of his seat, choking on the cup of ice cold water he was sipping on and almost sending Harrison off to the medics.

He doesn't have to ask you twice before you find yourself seated on his lap, bare thighs meeting his clothed one's and he finds an arm wrapped around your waist. This was the first time you seemed to find yourself actually touching him with more than just your hands, in fact your bottom was pressed firmly against his crotch and back against his hard chest.

But Tom had no trouble controlling himself beneath your figure, instead he was too focused on showing off his queen to the kitchen staff. He could only imagine what she would look like with a crown apon her head, wearing gowns instead of light slip ons.

"Did you sleep well, angel?" Tom brings a strawberry to his lips as you turn and face him. He places the fruit between his teeth, biting softly. A little bit of the strawberry juice, runs over his bottom lip before he catches it with his tongue.

Tom hated trying new things- despised it but he seemed to be getting use to fruits, especially strawberries and blueberries. They were perfectly sweet, yet sour.

"I slept well, thank you." You swallow softly, not knowing where to place your hands you conjoin them in your lap. He chews momentarily, leaning back in the seat leaving you placed dead center on his lap. "I've been practising," You start, looking down nervously.

"Practicing what?" He places the top of the strawberry onto the plate making him lean over, his lips drawing close but not close enough to your cheek.

"This." You hold your hand up, the flame appearing only bigger then last time, and definitely hotter. The sight of the fire was still as mesmerizing as it was the first day you arrived in hell, seeing the flames appear left right and center and now... in the palm of your hand.

Tom smirks lightly, biting his lip softly. "That's wonderful," He murmurs, "You could do so much with that." He thought about the things you could do to Ryan now that you'd unlocked only one of your many traits, and the many more he could begin to teach you.

The flame glistened in the dark, the gentle breeze making it sway and hiss slightly before you curled your fingers over it without flinching, causing the flame to go out much to your dismay.

"It's pretty, isn't it?" He asks, waiting for your answer.

You nod your head eagerly. "It is, it's like- I can't take my eyes off of it. I almost walked into a wall last night." You giggle lightly.

Tom tsks, but wasn't able to hide his cheeky grin. "Watch out princess, can't have you damaging that pretty little face now, can we?" He picks up a blueberry, chucking it into his mouth.

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