4. Purity

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"This is outrageous!" The angel shouted, white, lightly fraying wings moved as he did around the meeting room. With very little elegance, might I add. "How could you let her go? How!" He demanded, fist coming into contact with the hard wood desk.

Anyone outside of the council would've scoffed at how the men were behaving. It wasn't very heavenly. The men were behaving in an earthling way at best (But if we're being honest here, the earthlings were moved evolved and mature then the councilman). And yes, Men. Heavens council strongly depended on Men and Men only.

Ryan flinched, Damari, the leader of Heaven was powerful enough that his fist colliding with the table sent thunder throughout the hall. Men were on the edges of their seats, waiting with tight lips and heavy snarls. They were angry, each furious at Ryan for letting her out of his grasp.

"I-I didn't even know she was planning to escape. I just woke up and she was gone." He gulped. "She showed no signs of trying to run. I did everything that was instructed."

"Obviously you didn't if she still felt that she could leave!" One of the men at the back yelled, voice echoing.

"We trusted you boy, and because of that your seat on this council was lifted, almost to the top of house in fact. I fear now that you may not deserve that seat." Damari was terrifying, plain and simply and Ryan felt himself shaking slightly. "You let Thomas get his hands on the only thing he needs to take us down!"

Malaki, basically Damari's second in command stood. "You've let us all down. If he works out who she is, what she can make him do and god forbid-, if she puts the pieces together, it'll be on you when Heaven crumbles."

"She won't, her brain is barely the size of a pea." Ryan new it was a lie, you was brilliant.

Demari felt his cheeks grow hot with anger, burning hot rage. "The girl escape in the dead of night, managed not to get caught by any of our guards and somehow slipped into hell. If anything Y/N has more brains than you!"

"I swear to the gods Ryan-" Demari's hands grew cold, icy cold in fact and small slithers of what only looked like smoke was forming.

All eyes were on him, judgemental and filled with so much hatred. A thin layer of sweat formed on the unworthy angels brow and his wings were lowering in utter defeat. "I'll get her back!" He shouts.

The men laughed, loud cackles and bursts of humour filled the meeting hall and Ryan wanted to melt under their wicked gazes. They all laughed for a moment, like a playground of damn children and Ryan felt his nails dig into his palms out of what could only be embarrassment and defeat.

"How in the universe do you plan on getting into hell? You won't even get passed the gates." One older man mocked him, bending over in absolute disbelief. "No angel has been there in centuries! I'm surprised they realized who Y/N was before they could end her pathetic existence."

"Silence!" Yelled Demari. He thought for a moment. "Ryan, if you think that you can make it into the underworld then I give you permission but if you get caught, there won't be a rescue mission."

Ryan nodded and let out a deep breath. Other's watched on in amazement. "Thank you, sir."

"Bring her back, or even better, end her existence. Get rid of any other sick demons you can while you're at it." He got out of his seat. "You know what you're getting into? Tom is wicked, he's vile. If you're caught you'll experience more pain then anything you could ever imagine."

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