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A couple of things just so I don't get attacked 😂; the timelines of this story are a little different to those written in the Appendices of the Return of the King. The year Smaug attacks Erebor Dis (Thorin's sister) is 10. In this story she is 15. Fili is not born in Ered Luin (Blue Mountains) after the battle of Moria here, instead he is born in Erebor before Smaug attacks. Balin and Dwalin are some years older in this than they are officially.
Thorin's age is also different in part 2; instead of being 93 he is more like 26 (as two years pass instead of 69). This story follows the movies. I do not own any rights to the characters or places, except Arien and the Taurhelim.

Apart from this, enjoy and I hope you like it!

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