Chapter One

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Elidi wasn't sure where to look as she twirled a piece of her fiery red hair around her pointer finger, as she looked around the loud and overly busy carnival.

Everywhere she looked she felt overwhelmed by the amount of combined colours for the assortment of different rides. If she was honest, she didn't know why she was still here, after her best friend had ditched her for her own boyfriend a while ago.

It wasn't very nice of her, but its been happening a lot lately, and there's been nothing that she could do to stop it.

She had just decided to go to a nearby food stand to get something to eat when she heard a voice which she knew very well behind her.

"Eli! Elidi!" The voice proclaimed from behind her. She sighed in defeat to the voice, before turning around and put on a smile big enough to reach to the Pluto and back 3 times.

"Hey Amelia" she said through her smile "What are you doing here? I thought that you said that you were going to Vancouver to visit family this weekend."

The brunette girl looped her arm through Elidi's and started to walk with her before saying; "I'm going next weekend, not this weekend, silly. I'll admit that even though I seem excited about it, I'm actually quite nervous about it too as it's been so long since I've seen them. What do you think that they'll be like? Ooh, I wonder if Bronson has finally gotten a boyfriend yet, as he came out to be gay last year! Can you believe it? I didn't at first but then-"

Elidi eventually ended up tuning out the girl as she continued her rant for another ten minutes. She had been beginning to regret asking her about her family in the first place when suddenly she realized that the brunette had stopped talking for a good two minutes and was just looking at her.

"Huh, sorry what did you say? I didn't hear you" Elidi asked her as she apologized for not hearing it, to be polite. "I asked you-" the girl huffed "-if you had considered my previous offer of joining the girls soccer team, since you are so good at it and you would be a very valuable asset to the team this year. Sadie thinks so too, which is why I'm asking you."

Even though the girls big chocolate brown eyes seemed to plead with her to at least consider it, Elidi already knew the answer to this question.

"Sorry Amelia, but I have to go with my previous answer this time round again. I won't join the soccer team this year, maybe try asking me next year and maybe something will change, but as of right now, I can't. Sorry but that's my answer, so you can go and tell Sadie that now."

Elidi pushes past the girl, who now was staring at her with a slightly shocked face, and walks towards the entrance of the carnival, not bothering to call her best friend, Hailey, as she knew that she would be too busy snogging her boyfriend to notice or care.

Amelia had been asking her that question everyday since she and Sadie saw her play around with a soccer ball, getting ready for soccer practice one day, on the field, a year ago.

Sadie Walker and Amelia White are best friends and did absolutely everything together.

They made the Cheer team and became the captains of it together. Then they became two valuable assets to the schools, girls soccer team two years ago, and now they were trying to recruit her together after seeing her play.

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