Chapter 3

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WARNING(S): OCC's, Parent!bashing, depressing!thoughts, suicidal!tendencies,

NOTES: "Japanese" - "Italian" - 'Thinking' - *Tsuna's eye speak* - [Text Messages]

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Katekyo Hitman Reborn. Amano Akira does.


"Class, we have a transfer student today," The teacher announced and Tsuna glanced over to see a teen with grey, neck-length hair and sharp green eyes that could possibly freeze hell over.

'Gokudera-kun, huh? So nostalgic...'

A foot slammed into his desk, sending it skidding sideways. Tsuna already used to surprises, just glanced up to meet the green, emerald eyes of his ex-Storm guardian. A dark glower was present on his face, "Tch, pathetic. I don't care which one of you are but -"

Gokudera stopped speaking, as soon as his eyes met Tsuna's. For some reason, Gokudera felt familiarity bloom into him... and his instincts also seemed to scream at him to not be disrespectful or to anger him.

Which confused the heck out of Gokudera because he just met the teen! And... wasn't he here to evaluate the next heir? This scrawny teen didn't look like mafia material!

(Later, Hayato would apologize profusely for thinking such a thing... First rule of Mafia: Never underestimate your opponents...)

"Gokudera, sit down!" The teacher yelled in the background. In response, Gokudera glared at the teacher effectively shutting her up.

"You... have I met you somewhere?" asked Gokudera to Tsuna, after redirecting his gaze.

Tsuna, however, was taken off-guard with that comment and his eyes widened. However, as quickly as it came, he went back to "normal." Instead, just shook his head in denial and turned to look outside the window, not looking Gokudera in the eyes.

'Damn, didn't they know that it was already hard enough to pretend like this?'

"G-Gokudera! Sit down!" The teacher yelled again, confused what was going on

With a disgusted growl, he turned on his heels and headed at the empty seat, right behind Tsuna.

Tsuna, ignoring all the snickers and whispers from his fellow classmates and brothers, propped his textbook up and positioned himself to sleep.

He would also have to make sure that the duel later in the day goes okay; considering his brother's personality, he was pretty sure that things will go wrong...


Reborn gritted his teeth at his student's immediate answer to the Mafioso in front of him.

He had called Gokudera from Italy and had pitted him against his student. During the battle when it seemed he was losing, he shot him a dying will bullet only because his face screamed, 'HELP!'

In the end, even with the dying will bullet it seemed that both were on par; only after a misstep on Gokudera's part, did Ienari win. Otherwise, he would have definitely lost.

(Reborn would later learn that it was not a misstep but to see what Ienari would do in this case.)

'Weird though, it seemed as if Gokudera knew the way Ienari moves...'

However, since Gokudera lost, Ienari had gained the bomber's respect. (Did he really?)

What Reborn hadn't predicted though was the utter rejection from Ienari. Though that was not the only that irked the hitman. When Gokudera did miscalculate, holding too many bombs in his hands since Ienari provoked him, Ienari just stood there, waiting for the bomber's demise. If it wasn't for Tsuna's interference, then the bomber would have been severely injured.

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