†Knight 7: Warmth†

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†Knight 7: Warmth†

Yui's POV

Once again, I'm bored... Really bored!

Being inside of a vampire does not suit well with me in the slightest! Though... I do have to admit, we have similar pasts.

She was the black sheep of the famed Kuran family, only few knew she was even born and she's protected such a bitch for so long.

She looked different from the rest of her family, instead of brown hair, she has white. Instead of brown red eyes, she has wine red orbs. To top it all off, she couldn't use the powers that her father, mother, brother, and sister use. She has power over ice, and powers that are inherited from her uncle; power over blood.

He brother's no angel I have to say and inform. He carelessly threw her into a pit of Level E's just to save their little sister. During the 10 years she and I were stuck in that hell hole, he never looked for her. She was gone for 11 long years, yet he didn't seem to care much.

According to Yukiko, he's never once called her by her real name, probably because she's nothing like that Yuki girl.

He even slapped her! He slapped his own little sister, who's the youngest out of the three might I add!

For me? Well, I'm from a clan of Succubus/Succubi. We're beings that seduce our victims in either person, or in their dreams.

Why do I say our pasts are similar? It's because I was also the black sheep or our clan, the Hakana clan. Everyone in the clan had green eyes and deep red hair.

Me? I have-well, had-purple eyes and cream white hair. On top of that, my wings were blood red colour instead of a purple-black colour, and I had curled horns instead of bat wings on my head.

~How we ended up in this situation we're in right now?~

One day, both of us, along with another, were captured and sold in an underground auction to a scientist and well... you can guess the rest of what happened to us on your own.

Anyways, after 10 years of hell, we excepted and she ended up taking us to Cross Academy.

Yukiko's POV

"You've been awfully quiet today, Yui. Is something the matter?" I ask the Succubi inside of me.

Nothing's the matter, just bored and tired...
She sighs.

"You've been thinking about what happened 10 years ago, haven't you?" I sigh as she replays with a 'yes'.

I then head out. "Alright, lets go get some Konpeitō." I say as I get up from my sitting position on the Moon Dorm roof and head to town to buy the only thing we both enjoy eating, besides blood.

Konpeitō!? Really!? Yeay!
She cheers happily.

"That was a quick recovery, you're like a child, you know, Yui." I softly laugh as I pass through the gate and down the stone stair path.

S-sh-shut up...
She pouts. I let out another laugh as I continue on my-our- way.

As I walked past the Moon Door, I noticed Hanabusa pushing two gentlemen out the dorm door. 'Must be researchers looking for a short cut in their work.' I concluded in my thoughts as I skip my-our-way to the candy shop that's on the far side of town.

Getting to the old candy shop, the old bell jingled as I open the glass and wood framed door. "Obāchan!" I call out.

An old woman with grey blue hair and kind orange eyes looked up from her seated position from behind the cash counter. "Oh, Yukiko-chan, Yui-chan, I haven't seen you both in a while now." She gave a wrinkled but joyful smile.

Walking over, my right eye became a shining purple and I could feel a blood red wing sprout from my left, a curled horn on the right side of my head.

Using the single left wing that appeared to help, we enveloped the old woman in a familiar hug. "It's nice to see you again, Obāchan!~" our two voices overlapping each other's with equal joy.

Letting out a gentle chuckle, Obāchan wrapped her short arms around our-now shared-body. "How are things at the academy? You two haven't been causing trouble, have you?" She laughs into her own question. "Of course not, and its fun there~" we whine. "But... I think I hate human even more then before now..." We both grumble as we release from the heartwarming embrace.

Laughing at our childishness, Obāchan walks into the back room, just through a current as a door. She soon came back out with a round jar with a decretive lid. Filling the beautiful jar was different colours of one kind of candy, shimmering in the sunlight that peeked through the windows.

"Here you both are, one jar of my homemade Konpeitō." She smiled, knowing that it would distract us from our grumbling.

Our sour frowns soon became bright and genuine smiles. "Arigato, Obāchan!"

Akatsuki's POV

"I don't understand why you are so attached to that girl, Dorm President Kuran." I voice out as I leaned against the wall next to mine and Hanabusa's room. "To begin with, no one is happy about you, one of the last surviving members of the Kuran family, sharing the space with that Zero Kiryu, who comes from a Vampire Hunter family."

We walks by me as he listened to my informing. Everyone else is still asleep since its early in the morning, and Yuki Cross just left in tears after hearing the truth about Level E's.

Stopping in his tracks, he slightly turns his head. "Yuki is... She is the only girl in this world... I hold dear." And with that, he continued on his way.

Soon after he was out of sight, I went back to my room as well. 'If you only have room for a human... what of your own sister...' I went under the cover as I thought about his words.

'Then again... I wouldn't be surprised if you abandoned her without a second thought, if its for Yuki Cross... After all... there was never any warmth, when you greeted Lady Yukiko.'

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