†Knight 15: Thank You for Caring†

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†Knight 15: Thank You for Caring†

Yuki's POV

Shizuka Hio is dead...

Zero's angry with me and everyone is pinning Shizuka's death on Zero...

'If Kaname won't help... then there's only one person I can ask...' I run towards the moon dorm but stop when I see familiar snow white hair.

"Yukiko-chan!" I call out and run towards the flowing long hair. I catch up with her and block her path when she just ignores me and continues on walking — as if I wasn't there.

She glares at me. "Move." Was her demand, her voice akin to that of a demon — I could almost detect the sound of two other voices.

I give her a pleading look. "You have to help Zero! Everyone thinks that he's the one that killed Shizuka Hio, but he didn't!" I could feel hot tears stream down my cheeks.

"He did shoot at her. Hitting her once, just enough to weaken her. However, I'm not stupid. I know my little lamb didn't kill her." Yukiko stated coldly.

She took two steps forward and tilted my head up. 'Since when did she get taller then me...?'

Her face was whipped clean of emotions but her eyes held disgust. "Do you really think your peaty tears could sway me? I don't give a rat's ass about how you feel. Not anymore." Her cold, whine red orbs stared harshly into my own brown-red ones.

Her grip on my chin tightens and I force myself not to flinch. "Life won't give you what you want just because you cry. Quit being a spoiled little bitch and do something on your own! Do you not know the pain, the anguish I endured because of you?! Oh wait. Of course you don't know, you forgot every f@$&ing thing!" She shouted at me and shoves me to the side. "So much blood, time and effort was spilled for your sake, and if you ask me, all of it was wasted. I've wasted too much of my precious time on your useless ass."

After taking a few steps she looks over her shoulder. "Haven't you ever wondered why you and Kuran have the same colour eyes. How the two of you except that Level E infested place back ten or eleven years ago? Because there was more then just that one that you saw Kuran kill that 'first' time you two met." With those final harsh words she left.

No One's POV

As they walked away, they could feel pain pulsing with each step. Finally, Yukiko, Yui, and Yanase reached the fountain. They sat down on the stone edge and stared up at the bright morning sky.

"Is it because you are no longer considered a full vampire that you can be in the sun light with such ease?" A deep voice questions them.

They turn their head to see a familiar sensei. "Yagari-sensei, shouldn't you be teaching a class?" Yukiko questions the man.

"I have a spare at the moment, now answer my question." The man demands.

We don't know~ It might~

Yui answers in a girly tone.

Yagari sits next to the three and lights a cigarette.

This causes Yanase to speak up. >Oi! Don't smoke in front of a man who can't anymore!

He shouted.

Yagari arches a brow. "Yanase is years older then me and Yui, in human years I mean. He use to smoke but now he can't." Yukiko answers the man's unspoken question.

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