†Knight 20: War†

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†Knight 20: War†

Yukiko's POV

The war has finally begun. We watched as Ruka and Kain protected two day class girls.

We watched as Yuki protected her human friend from a Level E.

"Yukiko! What are you doing?!" Yuki shouted when she spotted me sitting at the top of a tree. "Get down here and help!"

">~And why should we?~>"

The three of us asked in unison.

Yuki held a look of shock, Ruka and Kain held one of worry.

"Wha-you have to help! The academy will fall into ruin if we loose!" She tried to reason with us-me-but we simply laughed in unison.

">~Dear, naïve little Yuki... Don't you get it yet?! I'm no longer that little girl that blindly protected you!~>"

We shouted with most likely a crazed look in our eyes.

We went into our full melt form and stared down at the shocked faces.

">~Why so shocked, Yuki? It's your fault Yukiko was experimented on! If she didn't have to fight all of those Level E's by herself then those men would've never found her!~>"

We spoke in what felt like third person.
">~Now all three of us are one and blood alone no longer satisfies us. We need the blood of everything that isn't human. The souls of the living. Life itself!~>"

We lunged at Yuki but Ruka and Kain blocked us. Soon we started fighting against the two aristocrats. Hanabusa, Rima and Senri arrived and joined the battle as well.

"Lady Yukiko, this isn't like you!" Ruka shouted.

Rima tried to hit us with a palm of blue lightning. "What happened to you?!" She wheezed out after we round house kicked her, in the gut, away.

"You said you three were experimented on. What do you mean by that?! When?!" Kain asked as he and Senri dodged our shards of black crystal.

">~Oh... you want to know?...~>"

We craned our head sideways and grinned a creepy cheshire cat grin.
">~It means that we three were combined into one body...~>"

">~Our name is long as shit now because of it too. It's now Yukiko Yui Yanase Kuran Hakama Kai.~>"

~Hi!~I'm Yui Hakama!~I'm a Succubi! ~

>Yanase Kai. A Wind Demon.>

"You all already know me. Yukiko Kuran. A Pureblood vampire."

No One's POV

The battle between the aristocrats and their former companion ragged on as Rido and Yuki battle it out, Zero joining after Ichiru's, somewhat forceful, offering to him.

The three knocked all five of the aristocrats into the tower next to where Yuki and Zero were fighting side by side.

The three flew over to them and both Cross Academy perfects stared at her with shock.

Rido grinned at the sight of his youngest niece. "Ah... it's nice of you three to finally join. Yukiko, Yui, Yanase, why don't you three come over here."

Rido held his arms wide open in a 'give uncle a hug' gesture. The Melt user(s) strolled over to the Pureblood and hugged the man.

Ad soon as his arms went around them, he was crystallizes in place and a sharp sword of black crystal sliced him in half. Before he could even begin to regenerate, Yukiko stabbed their arm straight through him and ripped out his heart.

Yukiko extended their fangs and drained the most hated Pureblood's heart dry of blood.

Rido's remaining body become nothing but dust and the wind carried it away.

The three of them stood up from their crouching position, from when they were draining the organ dry, and turned around to face the group of Night Class and two perfects.

As if everyone's vision was blurring and twisting, the single mutated figure split into three. A female Succubi with long white hair pulled into a high ponytail and a talk male demon with blue eyes stood with a Pureblood girl standing between them.

"...100" The three of them said in unison and shadow men gathered around them. The sound of chains sounded through the wind and cold air.

"Mama!" Kazuya cried out and ran over to his mother. "Kazuya?! No!" Yui embraced her son. "You have to leave, or else you'll be pulled down with me." She said to the boy as he clung to the back of her revealing purple halter top.

"We're not leaving you, stupid." Gene said from behind her and embraced her from the back, his arms circling both his lover and son.

A girl with long blue-black hair came running over and tackled Yanase to the ground. "Big brother!" The girl cried, clinging to her brother like he was a lifeline.

"Wha-Hisui?! I thought I told you not to look for me!" Yanase shouted. "And how the heck did you know I was your brother? I didn't put a picture in that letter or package." Sen then appeared in front of the siblings. "I brought her here and pointed you out~!" The Succubus sang. "Dude...that's creepy... like really creepy." Yanase deadplanted, stroking his sobbing sister's silky hair.

Yukiko looked to Maria as the girl sat on Sen's shoulders. Yukiko nodded to Maria-who nodded back-before creating a barrier of purple crystal around everyone but herself.

Yui and Yanase widened their eyes the moment they realized what their friend was planning.

"Yukiko! Stop!" They both shouted, banging against the translucent walls.

Yukiko shook her head.

"No. This is what I have to do." She said seriously.

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This is the second last chapter!

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