Chapter 1: Welcome to Heelshire Manor

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Watching the trees fly by from the back of a taxi, Heather Miller let out a sigh of content. She needed this little getaway after the year she'd had; a fresh start, a new beginning.

At this very moment she was on her way to her new job at the Heelshire Manor where she would be spending the next few months looking after little Brahms Heelshire, an eight year old boy who, according to his parents, couldn't wait to meet her

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At this very moment she was on her way to her new job at the Heelshire Manor where she would be spending the next few months looking after little Brahms Heelshire, an eight year old boy who, according to his parents, couldn't wait to meet her.

Heather was rather excited to meet Brahms as well. She loved children very much, that was what she had gone to school for, she had a degree in early childcare development and education, it was also why she had decided to take the job as the boy's nanny.

She was jostled from her musings when she noticed the Taxi driver take a turn leading them towards a large gate with a large H in the center. A man came forward on the other side of the fence and opened it for the taxi to enter.

That path leading up to the Heelshire home was a mess of trees on either side of the cobble stone driveway, and it seemed to be never ending. As they pulled to a stop in front of the manor Heather was awed by its building.

The Manor grew out of a well manicured lawn. Its nascent stone walls were a pale grey and were barren of the moss or ivy that clung to the walls of the older homes in the village. The grey brick that made up this manor clashed perfectly with the red shingles that adorned the roof. Its large oak door was double wide and was sheltered under a wide wrap around porch supported by pillars; and above those pillars sat a balcony that looped the entire dwelling.

 Its large oak door was double wide and was sheltered under a wide wrap around porch supported by pillars; and above those pillars sat a balcony that looped the entire dwelling

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All in all it was beautiful. In all her twenty-four years Heather never dreamed she'd be living in a place like this, no matter how briefly it was to be.

Heather jumped in fright when she was brought out of her thoughts by the taxi driver knocking on her window. She opened the door and stepped out.

"My apologies miss; I didn't mean to scare you."

Heather shook her head and smiled, "That's all right I was admiring the house and hadn't realized we had stopped."

The driver nodded as he pulled her luggage from the trunk, "Understandable, miss. It is a lovely old place." He finished pulling her last suitcase out and turned to smile at her, "Now how about we get this luggage inside and you can meet the family, hmm?"

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