Chapter 6: Book Read and Returned

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Heather woke up the next morning and got dressed quickly before making her way down the hall to Brahms' room.

After the first few nights there she had begun to notice the eerie feeling the manor put off. It felt almost as though someone was watching her every move.

Heather quickly shook the thought from her mind as she reached Brahms' room.

Good morning Brahms, I..." Heather gasped as she opened the door and found Brahms not lying down like she had left him the night before, but sitting up on the bed staring out the window.

Heather hesitantly moved closer to the doll and noticed the list of rules sitting beside him, with his little glass hand next to the last rule:

10. Kiss Goodnight

Heather let out a shaky breath and began backing up out of the room, when suddenly Brahms head swiveled in her direction.

Heather lunged up from bed with a gasp, wide awake now. She placed a hand over her pounding heart, "God." She breathed.

Her head snapped up as she began to hear what sounded like a child giggling right outside her room. Heather looked on in confusion as she slipped out of bed and walked closer to the door.

Her hand shook as she reached out to grab the handle, but then hesitated, "God Heather, you know better, you should not open this door

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Her hand shook as she reached out to grab the handle, but then hesitated, "God Heather, you know better, you should not open this door." But even as she said this her hand grabbed a hold of the handle and pulled the door open.

There was no one there, but sitting on the floor right in front of her door was the book that she had lost her first day here. She hesitantly bent down and picked it up, noticing how some of the pages were earmarked as though someone had been reading it.

Heather stood back up and looked down both sides of the hallway, trying to find the culprit when she heard the giggling again, this time, though, it sound like it was coming from Brahms' room. She held the book closely to her chest and started making her way down the hall.

His door was slightly ajar; when she pushed it open the rest of the way Heather found the doll sitting up on the bed staring at her, the list of rules sitting right beside him just like in her dream.

His door was slightly ajar; when she pushed it open the rest of the way Heather found the doll sitting up on the bed staring at her, the list of rules sitting right beside him just like in her dream

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