Chapter 14: One month later

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After that day in the parlor, life continued on pretty normally for Heather and Brahms, the only difference was that instead of having to carry a doll around all day, she had a grown man following behind her everywhere she went.

Heather was trying to work with him on how to behave like a grown man and not like the little boy his parents had forced him to be his whole life, She had Brahms move into the guest room right next to her own since she didn't want him living in the walls anymore and he didn't want to go back to his childhood bedroom.

Brahms was still requesting that she tuck him in at night as well as give him his goodnight kiss, and though she tried to stop him, he always managed to shift his head at the last second and their lips would touch.

She thought about trying to wean him off their nightly ritual, but had decided to hold off on that for now; mainly because Heather secretly enjoyed their small goodnight kiss, though she felt ashamed for admitting so.

It was a month later and the two of them were in the study reading together when they heard the front door slam shut, "Heather?" Malcolm called out.

It was a month later and the two of them were in the study reading together when they heard the front door slam shut, "Heather?" Malcolm called out

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Just like every time before Brahms slipped into the walls to hide while Heather moved towards the kitchen to greet Malcolm.

"Good afternoon, Malcolm." She greeted entering the kitchen.

Malcolm looked up at her and smiled brightly, "And a very good afternoon to you as well."

Heather walked over and began helping him unload the groceries. The two worked in silence for a few moments before one of them spoke up.

"So how has everything been this week? Brahms giving you any trouble?" He questioned with a nervous smile. While she had been able to hide the fact that Brahms was still alive, Malcolm was still under the impression that the doll was possessed and was constantly inquiring as to whether she was alright.

Heather chuckled, "Everything has been just fine, and he has been a perfectly well behaved boy."

"That's good to hear," He nodded, "Where's the little bugger at then?"

"I just put him down for a nap." She motioned up to the second floor.

He hummed and nodded in understanding, "Have you heard anything from Blake since he left?"

Heather froze for a fraction of a second but recovered quickly and shrugged, "Not since he left here. I was honestly surprised at how easy it was to get him to leave."

Malcolm nodded in agreement, "I know, I thought for sure you were going to have to call the police to get him out of here."

She gave him a shaky smile, "I know." and they lapsed back into silence.

Finally after they were done unloading the groceries Malcolm turned to face her and gave a nervous smile.

"So Heather," He began and she looked over at him curiously, "I know we've talked about it before but everything was kind of hectic then, what with you just getting here and settling in." Heather waited patiently for Malcolm to reach him point, "So I was thinking you might finally let me take you out on that date." He finished hopefully.

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