Disney Land.

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- Finn surprised you with a Disney land trip for your birthday.
- he's a little anxious for the flight and just all the people in general.
- you agreed to hold his hand ALL the time.
- you both buy those cute mouse ears.
- a lot of fans want to take pictures with you guys.
- you hate to admit it but sometimes you lowkey avoid large groups of people because your cheeks hurt from smiling so many times.
- Finn screams like a girl on California Screaming and Splash Mtn.
- you two love marvel so you love the guardians of the galaxy ride.
- y'all eat a shit tone of churros and popcorn.
- you two spend one day together then Nick, Josh, and some of both casts fly in to hang with you guys.
- Wyatt gets exclusive seats on the guardians of the galaxy ride because he played young star lord.
- you, Millie, Sadie, and Sophia have the best time trying to get the boys to meet the princesses with you guys.
- lots of girls fangirling over Finn and you get a little jealous.
- also lots of fans fangirl over you and Finns relationship.

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