you and finnie do school.

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- "Finn how the hell do you do this?!" *angrily shoves math paper towards him and throws calculator*
"It's easy babe, here look."
- Finn being very understanding about your dislike of math.
- You and Finn have three out of the five classes together.
- Finn gets his license  this December
so then y'all can go off campus for lunch
(Chick-Fil-A here we come)
- making vlogs as you walk to and from school.
- everyone loving your vlogs channel
"Hey guys welcome to (y/n) and Finn adventures in vlogging!"
- you either go to yours or finns house after school.
- all the teachers have a love hate relationship with you two because you're either really good students or talk way too much. Like y'all never shut the hell up.

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