You and finn get pets.

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- the first pet you adopt kind of adopts you more or less. It's a black kitten that made its way to your patio and slept on the stairs. It instantly warms yours and finn's heart. You are like obsessed with marvel movies so you name it Loki and give it a little green sweater. You and Finn adore it and take it to set with you guys.

- second pet is a dog. It's a mutt but definitely a lap dog. One of your family friends had a litter of farm puppies that needed homes so you volunteered. Since it was a blonde dog you thought it was only fitting to name it Thor but Finn wanted to name it mashed potato. The name is still undecided.

- the third pet is a red and blue Beta fish that your biology teacher gave you to keep alive for the whole trimester. Finn takes one look at it and says.
"So help me (y/n) if you try to name this fish Spider-Man or captain America I will kill you."
"What why we can't name it like cherry blueberry or something!?"

- the last pet is a bunny that hopped into your backyard. It was brown with a black spot around its eye.
"Look babe it's wearing and eyepatch!"
"We can name Nick Fury!"
"No (y/n). No."
"No. more along the lines of captain jack sparrow or something!"
"Ugh fine!"

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