December 1

752 17 3

- You guys put up the tree in his living room.
- you aren't tall enough to put the star on.
"Awe babe you're so cute and tiny."
"Put a sock in it wolfhard and put the star up there."
- nick comes down and hangs out with you guys.
-josh comes over too
- you and finns mom make Christmas cookies.
- Finn, nick, and josh are eating them faster than you can frost them.
- finns mom is done with them devouring the cookies so she sends them to put the lights on the house.
-Finn is afraid he's gonna slip and die.
"Goodbye (y/n), I'll see you in the next life" *salutes* *nick pulls his hat down over his eyes*
- Finn is now convinced nick is gonna kill him instead
- josh just stands there like 'idfk these crazy ass people'
-you turn on some Christmas music.
- you and finns mom sing along
- Finn comes in and videos his two favorite ladies singing.

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