Incredible Destiny

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A/N- This is my first story that I've actually tried and posted and stuff. I'm not sure if it's good. I'll probably be writing more, or I'll just end it. But here's the first chapter. BAM.

An Incredibles and Destiny 2 AU

The tower walls have divided two things for decades now. The Supers and the Guardians. Guardians and Supers have been distant with each other since the fall of the tower. Which, happened 5 years ago. The supers still being un-able to help the guardians due to them being illegal. Guardians protect the Cities from the dangers of other worldly creatures and the monsters that hide in the Dead Zone and on other worlds. While the supers protect the people of the cities from anything that finds its way to around the walls.

But when two new supers, the son and daughter of two of the most famous supers decide to see what's beyond the wall, a new war begins. And four unlikely heroes join together to save their city... and their world.

"Speedster and Incredigirl once again, save the day..." the news report went on. Hayes and Ronnie stood next to each other as they watched the City from the Guardian tower.

"Look at that, supers get all the credit for, "saving the city"..." Hayes yelled, throwing his helmet up and down. The brawny Titan scoffed and ran a gloved hand through his blonde hair.

"Hey, heads up." Kennedy said as the thin Hunter threw a Vandal head at Ronnie. The Warlock caught it with a yelp and threw back at the Night-Stalker.

"Gross!" Ronnie yelled at Kennedy. Ronnie quickly sent a flare of Solar energy at the Hunter and Kennedy quickly backflipped it.

"Fire Team B03," Zavala's booming voice echoed across the Tower. "Report to me."

"That's our cue." Hayes said, standing up. He looked at his sister and Kennedy stuck her tongue out at her older brother. Hayes glared at Kennedy and put his helmet back on.

"Watch it," the Storm Breaker threatened. As they made their way over to Zavala's post, the three began to get worried.

"Whose going first?" Ronnie said. The 15 year old Warlock pushed Kennedy in front of her. It was quite disturbing to know that a 15 year old girl died so young and so easily. It was... unsettling.

"I vote the 'fearless leader' over there." Kennedy said pointing to Hayes. The Titan rolled his eyes and started walking again.

"Commander Zavala," Hayes said, giving a slight bow. The two girls also giving their bows.

"There has been a disturbance near the city wall. I need you three to go look at it."

"We're on it." Hayes said. Nodding. "Let's go guys."

"Eyes up, Guardians." The ghosts of the three synchronized.

Each one of them boarding their own ship and flying down the wall towards the city and towards the so called "supers".

"Landing pad 0098, requesting landing zones for Ships B0411, B0567 and A0962." Kennedy's voice echoed trough the coms.

"Permission granted."

Three landing pads opened and the three Guardians jumped from their ships. The city's towers and spires visible as they approached.

"Storm Breaker- 778 Hayes Gunner- human male." Hayes spoke to give confirmation to the landing pad operators.

"Night Stalker- 318 Kennedy Gunner- human female." Kennedy followed up.

"Dawn Blade- 1186 Veronica O'Brien- human female." Ronnie spoke.

Hayes was dressed in his red and white original Titan gear while Kennedy stood with her glossy black and gold Mercury gear. Ronnie wore the traditional Warlock uniform with orange and red details.

Incredible DestinyWhere stories live. Discover now