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A/N: I don't really know what this one is. I was thinking about some character dialog and it came out in verse and meter and I kinda liked it. 

"And why should I care for the world,

Which never cared for me?

Why should I hold myself down,

When else I could be free?

Your sentences fly past my ears

I will not pay them heed

For Humans are a ruined race

All vanity and greed.

I count myself as one of them,

Though I wish I was not.

I tied myself to my own home

And that line now pulls taut.

So leave me be, away with you

Just let my poor ears rest

I have a knife inside my boot

So leaving now’d be best."


"You always said you'd work for good

You said so three years past

So take this chance to save this man

And then I’ll let you rest."


"I was young, and dumb, and brave

A mere boast, was it not?

I won’t let those words bind me

Or else I’ll end up caught.


I‘ll screw the chance, just leave me lone

You do not seem to learn

This world has always hated me

 I’d love to see it burn."

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