Mission 9: Someone In My Head

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The next day I ran over to Sakura's house and began to knock on the door furiously. "Sakura-chan~!" I reacted with every knock.

She finally opened the door in her pajamas while holding a kunai, "You better have a good reason for waking me up this damn early."

I threw my hands up in the air: "I come in peace!"

"Tch. Come in," she said as she opened the door.

I quickly walked in and lead myself to the living room. Sakura sat on the couch as I cleared my throat to start my rant, "Sakura-chan, I think I know how to get out of this body!"

Her eyes opened wide as she sat up in attention, "What? How?"

"So yesterday I was with pervy sage, and we found out that the stone has the power to change one's fate. So he came to a conclusion and said that the stone changed me into a girl for a reason. That maybe there's someone I need save...but I don't know who! So I need to save this person and hopefully I'll return to my amazing guy body!"

Sakura crossed her arms and sighed, "So because you opened a box you weren't supposed to, I have to help you find one person out of the seven billion people on the planet, for you to save and turn back into a guy, right?"

I sweatdropped as she repeated my situation which sounded insanely impossible: "Yeah...basically."

She facepalmed herself and sighed, "Damn it Naruto...well, let's get to it."

"Really?" I asked excitedly

"Duh, of course. Let's go find Sasuke," she said about to walk out of the house.

"Wa-wait Sakura-chan!"

"What?!" She retorted angrily.

"You're still in your pajamas..."

She looked down at herself and looked back at me in embarrassment: "I knew that!"


After we told Sasuke the plan he sighed in frustration. "So how are we going to find the person you need to save?"

I crossed my arms as I whipped my hair back: "I got that covered. All we have to do is go on missions to help people."

Sakura cleared her throat as she took out a piece of paper, "We looked into the missions and they're all simple D and C rank missions. In other words, we're doing community service."

He sighed as he looked back at me: "What's the first mission?"

Sakura looked at her list. "Walking some dogs."

Sasuke sighed again as he looked at me. "When do we start?"

I smiled excitedly as I pointed up to the sky. "Right now!"


Five hours have past by and still nothing. The day was coming to an end and we were on our last mission: a search for a lost item.

"Alright, I'll search in the left: Naruto, you'll search in the right; Sasuke-kun, you can come with me if you want~"

"No thanks," he retorted. He then walked off into the woods alone.

"Jeez what a jerk," I mumbled to myself.

I waved goodbye at Sakura as I began to walk away.

I ran into the woods looking at the floor to find the lost bracelet. I searched for what felt like forever when I ended up at a pond.

"Wow, it sure is pretty..." I whispered to myself as I looked at the crystal clear water.

I walked towards a rock and sat down to take a break. I looked at the pond and smiled, "I can't believe I'm one step closer to getting my old body back."

I Can't Change Back (SasuNaru) ✔Where stories live. Discover now