Mission 2: Shopping

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We stood before the Hokage: Sakura with a face of shock; Kakashi with worry; me with fear for my none returning body; and Sasuke, surprisingly, with a face of fear.

"So Naruto...you can't change back?" The third asked as he placed a seal on top of the box which held the treasure.

I nodded, not having any strength to speak.

The third placed his hand to his chin and began to think. "I don't know what this could be...Did one of the ninjas hit you or anything?"

I shook my head no.


I looked at him in suspense: "What is it old man?"

"...Maybe you'll revert back to normal if you wait a while. Maybe after an hour or so your chakra will run out and let you be."

"So...I'll have to be like this for an hour or So?" I asked with a bit of hope.


I breathed out with relief.

The third sighed in distress: "Naruto, if you don't change back by tomorrow morning, we're going to have to check what's going on with you. I think there could be a blockage in your chakra flow, but we'll cross that bridge tomorrow."

I nodded in agreement. There's no way this is permanent. I'll be back to normal soon.

As I was lost in thought, I heard the third clear his throat: "However--" he blushed a light pink, "--For now, you need some clothes."

I looked back at myself and noticed that I was still naked because of the jutsu. I laughed meekly as I covered myself with my arms, "That's right..."


We walked out of the Hokage's office and left the building. Kakashi sensei began to talk to us about my situation: "Since Naruto can't change back right now, he's going to need some clothes." He looked over to Sakura, "Sakura?"

"Yes?" she asked a little afraid to hear what came next.

"I want you to go with Naruto to pick out some clothes. Give him only one set, since by tomorrow he'll be back in his normal body."

Sakura sighed as she looked over to me, "Yes Kakashi Sensei..."


Sakura began to unlock the door to her home. "Alright Naruto, listen up. We're going to go into my room and get you some clothes. Don't touch anything, don't look at anything, don't even breathe!" she warned as she looked at me annoyed.

I laughed nervously as she mumbled to herself angrily.

We went into her room, and it was everything I imagined. The whole room was as cute as her: pink and girly. Sakura opened her drawers and took out one of her shirts and shorts.

"Here," she said as she threw them at me.

I looked at the clothes and asked, "Um...Sakura-chan? What about underwear?"

"Listen Naruto, I'm not giving you my underwear!" she yelled with a flushed face.


I was able to put the shorts on, but they were tight; however, I couldn't put on the shirt because my boobs were too big.

"Damn it Naruto! Why did you have to make yourself so busty!" she yelled as she looked at my pair and back to her flat chest. "UGH, let's go!"

"Wa-wait, Sakura-chan!" I yelled as I ran after her.


We ended up at a women's clothes store. "Okay Naruto, don't go drooling all over the place! Keep your perverted self in check. I'm going to get you underwear, and once you change back, you BETTER throw it away, okay?"

"Yes ma'am!" I said as I saluted happily. I guess being a girl has its perks, heheh!

Sakura went towards a lady and began to ask her some questions as I looked around the shop. I looked at the sets of bras and gasped at the price.

What the hell?! I don't even pay this much for my boxers! Damn, I don't wanna stay a girl. I better change back tomorrow morning...Tomorrow morning...

I sighed and looked out the store window.

What if...what if I don't change back? What if I gotta stay a girl forever? Then I can't marry Sakura...I might have to marry-- I quickly stopped myself and gagged at the fact that I was even thinking about that guy. What the hell is wrong with me?

Sakura came back with the lady and the dragged me to a changing room. "Alrighty Miss, please measure my friend," said Sakura.

The lady nodded and quickly measured me and ran out to get me clothes. "We wouldn't be having this problem if you weren't a girl, hmph. I'm supposed to be the only girl anyway," complained Sakura as she crossed her arms.

"But Sakura-chan! It's not my fault. I don't even know how this happened!" I whined.

The lady came back and passed me the clothes. "Here, try this," said the lady.

I put on the underwear and clothes and looked at myself in the mirror, "I look hot," I blurted.

Sakura quickly hit me over the head in embarrassment, "You idiot!"

"Why'd you hit me~?!" I cried.

"You only look hot cuz you made yourself hot! You were able to choose the way you look...I wish I could have chosen to look hot..." she said as she placed her hands over her chest and looked directly into the mirror with disappointment.

"But Sakura-chan, I like your boob size too! Small boobs are just as hot as huge ones!"

Her face turned a bright red as her hand began to swing towards my face: "You're such a pervert, Naruto!"

"Wa-wait Sakura-chan!"


Sakura was walking me to my apartment, helping me carry the bags of clothes after all the shopping we did. Walking beside her made my heart jump with joy, and I couldn't have asked for a better way to end my day, especially after the events of today.

"I know Kakashi-sensei said one outfit, but a girl should always have at least three - even if you're just a temporary girl."

I chuckled happily and patted her head, "Thank you Sakura-chan~"

Once we reached my apartment, she gave me all of the bags and made her way back home. I turned towards my apartment door and sighed.

I just need to live with this body for a day...then I'll be back to normal.

I opened the door to my apartment and ran towards my bed. "Boy, am I glad to be home!" I yelled as I landed belly first onto the bed. As I landed on the bed, I yelled in pain as my breasts hit the mattress.

I quickly sat up as I grabbed onto my boobs, "That freaking hurt my tits! Ugh, I can't wait to be back in my male body..."

I sighed loudly as I remembered my situation. I looked over to my side to see the bag of clothes I bought. I reached into the bag and pulled out an oversized T-shirt to sleep in. I quickly changed into it and laid back down.

I closed my eyes, thinking about all the things that went wrong. I then turned to my side to gaze out my window. Sadness and worry consumed me, and the possibility of staying a girl made my heart drop in pain. I was desperate, so I began to pray.

God, Buddha, Satan--whoever else is out there listening--please let me be a guy again when I wake up in the morning...please...

I Can't Change Back (SasuNaru) ✔Where stories live. Discover now