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T/W mentions of rape

Chapter two: Dollhouse

I felt Father's rage fill the house as soon as Mama left the house.

Father came thundering upstairs into my room, I could feel the tears building up inside of me.

"Get over here, you worthless asshole!" He screamed. I stood up meekly, head bent and my eyes flitting nervously.

My Father rented me out for a maximum of three hours to all sorts of people. Men, women, hell, even teenagers if they had the cash!

It didn't Matter to him. But it mattered to me. I had my childhood stolen from me. From my Father, from strangers, from freaking teenagers.

But i couldn't fight against it. From a young age, it was drilled into my head that i was made to pleasure other people.

So thats what i believe. That's the set of rules I've followed for my entire life.


My brother, Liam, smokes cannabis. Its not his fault that he's addicted to it, but without it he suffers from major withdrawal. And it sucks because he wants to quit.

Father had put him up to smoking it, saying that a 'real man always smokes his joint at five am every morning."

Of course, Father does not follow through this rule with his golden child 'Peter'.

Peter was an asshole, he was sexist, homophobic, biphobic, panphobic, transphobic, and so much more. In short, he was a bigot. I do not use that term lightly. I would not call him a bigot if he was these things but still respected and didn't persue hate crimes against people like he does.

My Father and Peter were white. The rest of us were black. So whenever Mom wasn't home, they would beat me and my siblings. I always took the brunt of the beatings, I refused to let my siblings get hurt. They had a bright future. I did not.


"Mom, please wake up, Dad's with a slut! And your son is smoking cannabis!" I yelled, trying to reason with Mom. She needed to wake up and see our situation, for crying out loud, I want my Mom back!

I want Mom back....

"Go to your room! Gregory is doing something much for us, unlike your real Father!"

"No one ever listens! This wallpaper glistens with my own blood!" I screamed, running to my room. "Dont let them see what goes down in the kitchen." My tears are falling. I'm not having a pity party. I'm living in a Dollhouse.

At least Papa loved us.


"Places, Places! Get in your places! Throw on your dress and put on your doll faces!" Father screamed as we scrambled to get ready. Livvy was crying. I comforted her.

"Everyone thinks that we're perfect. Please dont let them look throw the curtains." I uttered quietly, standing in a ocean blue dress which trailed down to my feet. I had my hair down and curled, my blue eyes doll like.

The Galaxy Garrison was sending Ivory over for dinner to see over my discipline. It was a test to see if I was fit enough to go to the Galaxy Garrisons. It was mandatory to enter.

I greeted Ivory as politely and quietly as I could, so as not to upset Father. He tensed slightly as he saw my arms, but Ivory noticed neither things. Father smirked. I was in it now.


The dinner was a success, and it seemed like Helena's dinner was also a success. We were both excited, ecstatic. We were talking on the phone, I was in the attic for... Better signal.

Helena was already packing. I thought it was strange, we only had a month until we had to actually go to the Garrisons but she insisted that it was for the best. She didn't want to miss a thing with her family, so she had decided that the sooner she packed, the more time she could make the most of.

Her Mother was treating both of us to a water park for a week so we could get used to being dorm mates. The Garrison had confirmed by letter that we would be dorm mates by request and we were ecstatic about it.

We both were socially awkward, I was the one who cried when i was stuck in an unknown social situation, while Helena just started a new conversation. So it was a perfect fit! More or less.

Besides our differences, we both loved a lot of things. Spice, garlic knots, reading, gardening, watching the stars and so much more! To put it simply and quoting one of my favorite shows to prove it, we were 'Super Best Friends'.

And nothing would come between us.


Mom was an alcoholic. I say was. She is an alcoholic. She fell back into her old ways.

I hate it. I hate pretending to be brave then I really was. It made me stressed. Which made me cry.

It was only an hour after Ivory left that we found out.

I told my siblings about it actually, several weeks ago. But they didn't believe me. So I said:
"I see things that nobody else sees."

They think I'm made. I'm not mad. I'm a human.

Just like them.


Now I see why Helena was packing so fast. For one, she was going back to America. She wasn't going to stay in Cuba for long.

Also, the weather was bomb. A nice change from a Dollhouse.

Although, the rain is better. I like it when its quiet.

I've been thinking to much, help me.


I was soon packed, I had packed as soon as I could. Helena's mother was going to drive us to the Garrisons. Me and Helena were thrilled, we could barely wait. We kept on textin each other every five minutes for a massive freakout which would last ten minutes, calm down for another ten and then start all over again.

Tomorrow, I would be free. Tomorrow I'd be at the Garrisons.

Tomorrow, I'll be free from my dollhouse.

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