Chapter 1: New Student

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Scootaloo walked into class one morning. She sat next to her friends, waving. "Hey, did you hear what the other kids are saying?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"What?" Scootaloo asked.

"There's gonna be a new filly!" Applebloom said.

"Really? She's coming today?" Scootaloo had so many questions.

"Yeah!" Applebloom said happily. Cheerilee called for everypony's attention. "We have a new student here today! Everypony say hello to Shining Star!" Cheerilee stepped out of the way for a filly to walk in the room. She had black fur with a dark purple mane with light purple highlights. She had bright purple eyes. When she saw everypony, she hid behind Cheerilee. "Now, don't be afraid. Why don't you set next to Scootaloo?" Cheerilee said, pointing to an empty seat next to Scootaloo. Star walked to her seat and sat down. She looked down at her desk, not looking at anypony. "Star, why don't you tell us about yourself?" Cheerilee asked. Star looked up shyly. "Everypony ask a question for Star." Cheerilee said. Sweetie Belle raised her hoof. "Where did you move in from, Star?" She asked. Star looked at Cheerilee. She nodded at the filly. Star quietly said, "The Everfree Forest..." Everypony gasped. Wasn't it dangerous in there? Applebloom asked, "What was your home like?"

Star gave another surprising answer, "I don't have one."

"What were you doing in the forest, anyway?" Scootaloo asked.

"It's where my friends are. I like to play with them there." Star said.

"Do you have any parents?" Applebloom asked. Star shook her head. "I lost them. I don't need them anymore. I have my friends to keep me safe."

"If you don't have parents, who signed you up to go to school?" Cheerilee asked.

Star hesitated, "Princess Luna."

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