Another Day of School

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I pulled up to my school and parked in my usual spot. I got out the car, grabbed my stuff, and walked towards the entrance of the school. As I entered, I was greeted with the usual smiles, stares, glares, etc that I'd grown accustomed to. I made my way to my locker and began putting stuff inside as well as taking stuff out for my morning classes. Once I was finished, I closed my locker only to see Andre standing there smirking at me.

A- Morning beautiful

I rolled my eyes and walked away as he followed swiftly behind me.

A- So you not gon talk to me?

I continued to ignore him as I headed towards my first class of the day which I happened to have with Andre.

A- Come on now, Drake, when are you gonna give this up and let me take you out?

I looked over at him and scoffed, shaking my head and walking into class. He followed me like a puppy dog and sat down right in front of me.

A- So that's how we're gonna play this?

I rolled my eyes again and pulled my phone out, putting an earbud in my ear and scrolling through my music. One of Andre's past females approached us and stood in front of him with clear desperation in her face. She said.....

??- Hey Andre
A- Maria, how are you?
??- It's Melanie actually
A- Oh right, sorry baby
M- No problem. So um, I thought you were gonna call me last night after you left my house. We had a good time and then nothing
A- Yeah, I kinda fell asleep soon as I got home
M- Yeah that's what I thought but then Krista and I were just talking and she said you went by her pretty much as soon as you left my house
A- (sighs)

I watched this situation unfold along with the rest of the class. Andre rubbed the back of his neck and said.....

A- Look, baby, we had fun. It was a really good night but I told you before I'm not looking to be your nigga. I was just looking for a good time and you provided just that. Don't make this more than what it is. We had an understanding
M- I see

At this point, I expected this girl to slap the hell out of Andre. I mean, that's what I would do if a nigga ever tried to do me as dirty as he was doing her right now especially if it was as public as this. However, surprisingly, she smiled and said......

M- Well, maybe, we can do this again. If you're free again
A- (smirks) I'll have to see
M- Hope so

He winked at her and she blushed, walking back over to her friends as they all giggled. I shook my head in disbelief at how big an idiot this girl could be to actually be okay with bullshit like that. I decided to listen to "Gorilla"- Bruno Mars and relaxed as my teacher, Mr. Owens, finally arrived. He took attendance and told us today would be a free period. We all nodded and everyone went about doing whatever they wanted to do. Andre turned around to me and said......

A- Did you enjoy that show before class?
D- What show?
A- Oh come on, everyone was watching what happened with me and Melissa
D- I'm pretty sure her name's Melanie and yes we all saw her make a complete fool of herself and somehow manage not to punch you in your face
A- Why would she punch me?
D- Because you're a pig
A- How so
D- Not only did you sleep with the girl and play with her emotions, she probably sat up all night by the phone waiting for you to call while you were balls deep in her best friend
A- (laughs lightly) How am I playing with her emotions? I let her know from the jump that I didn't want anything more than pussy. If she didn't listen or she chose to mess with me anyways, she played herself and that's not my problem
D- (shakes head) And that right there is your problem
A- I don't follow you
D- You take advantage of these poor girls and when they get hurt, you wanna feed them bullshit then convince yourself it's not your fault or problem cause you "warned them." That warning ain't shit and neither are you
A- Damn, that's how you feel?
D- Did I stutter?
A- I really don't see what the big deal is
D- Of course you don't cause it's not your emotions being played with nor your heart being broken. I just pray nobody ever does you the way you do others
A- I didn't know you cared so much
D- Trust me, I don't
A- Seems like it to me

He smirked and winked at me as I stared at him with disgust in my eyes and put my other earbud in my ear, trying my best to ignore Andre for the remainder of this class.

Later that day......

The bell signaling lunch was over rang and I grabbed my stuff, making my way to my locker. I didn't have anymore classes so I grabbed what I needed for homework and put the rest of my stuff in my locker. I closed the door and made my way towards the exit. As I was walking, I heard......

??- Drake! Wait up!

I recognized the voice immediately and rolled my eyes, hurrying to the exit. I suddenly felt a grip on my body as I was pressed against the school doors. I stared up at Andre and said......

D- Get the hell off of me
A- I called your name
D- And?
A- And I'm tired of you ignoring me and rejecting me. I wanna take you out
D- Nigga, you must be out your damn mind
A- Come on, quit playing with me
D- Andre, I have already told you no plenty of times. The answer isn't changing. Do you think I would really go out with you after witnessing how you do every female in this school?
A- You're not like the others though
D- And I'm sure that's what you told them too. Just face it, the answer is still no and I have things to do so kindly take your hands off me before I help you take them off

He slowly moved his hands off my body and took a step back from me. I walked out the doors and made my way to my car as he called out after me.....

A- This isn't over! I'm gonna get you soon enough!

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