Unexpected Guest

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D- What the hell are you doing here?
K- Bitch, who is it?

I rolled my eyes, staring at Andre who had found himself standing in front of my door.

A- I just wanted to talk
D- I'm good
K- Bitch, is that Andre?
A- Come on, Drake
K- Girl, what is happening?
D- Ky, I'll talk to you later
K- Wait, no, don't

Before she could finish, I hung up the phone and stared at Andre as he stared back at me.

D- Again, why are you here?
A- Let's just talk, Drake
D- We don't have anything to talk about, Andre
A- Why you gotta be like that
D- I'm not being like anything
A- Just let me in
D- You think that if I won't even let you take me out, I'll let you in my house?
A- Hopefully
D- *laughs lightly* You have really high hopes, don't you?

He stared at me with this puppy look in his eyes and I rolled mine, moving to the side so he could come in. He took a seat on my couch and I closed the door back, locking it. I came and sat in the arm chair next to the couch and said......

D- I'll give you five minutes so speak
A- *sighs heavily* Look Drake, it's obvious that you see me as a player who goes around breaking hearts and messing with people's emotions
D- Okay?
A- And I realize that my actions are the reason you avoid me like the plague
D- Mhm
A- But, you're not like these other girls that I use for a few minutes of pleasure. You're something way more than that
D- So you've said
A- I can't figure out what it is but there's so much more to you and the more I think about you, the more I wanna know about you and figure out why I'm so drawn to you
D- Mhm
A- All I'm asking for is one chance. Just go on one date with me and if, by the end of the night, you're not impressed or you don't feel any differently, I'll leave you alone for good. No more asking you out or flirting or anything
D- Mhm
A- So, what do you say?
D- No
A- Great, I'll text you later and we can work out the details. Wait, did you say no?
D- Yes
A- Oh okay that's what I thought you said
D- No, I mean yes I said no. I'm not going out with you, Andre. Your speech was great and all but it isn't enough to convince me to go against every fiber of my being that tells me giving you a chance would be a big mistake and I've had enough drama in my life. The last thing I want or need is more bullshit, lies, and games. It's not what I'm about
A- It won't be like that
D -You can't guarantee that. It's in your nature and you can't just up and change who you are just like that
A- It's not who I am
D- Then why do you do it
A- I choose to be this way but it's not like it's built in
D- Well, choices like that can turn into habits real quick and habits are hard to break once you get them started so yeah it kinda is built in
A- Drake
D- I'm done talking about it, Andre
A- Are you really this stubborn?
D- When it comes to things like this? Yes, I am this stubborn. Now, I gave you your time and I heard you out. I'm good now and you've said what you had to say so.......

I got up and walked towards the door, I opened it and looked at him.

D- If you wouldn't mind leaving, I have things to do
A- Wow

He looked at me and shook his head before slowly getting up and making his way back out the door. He turned to look at me once more as if he had something else to say but turned back and walked to his car instead. I watched as he got in and started his car, backing out of my driveway and heading off. I closed my front door and locked it once again, grabbing my phone and immediately heading upstairs to my room. I grabbed my MacBook Air off my dresser and opened it up, FaceTiming the group chat I was in with my sister and my cousins.

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