Chapter Eleven - Sick

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A/N: You will (hopefully) be receiving a lot of updates for this book in the next few weeks. I'm trying to get it completed!
There will be no sequel (most likely). I also don't know how long this will be, it's all coming to me as I write.

It got really cold, and I didn't have a jacket, so I turned my tired legs around and marched back home. When I got home, Father was making dinner, and Hazel was nowhere to be seen (probably in her room or out with her new boyfriend Leo). I feel kind of bad, leaving her in such confusion, but she would thank me later on for keeping this secret from her. I'm sure she doesn't want to lose her only brother.

You know, now thinking about it, the only reason I was hurt so much by Percy's words was because /he/ was the one saying them. Since when do I care what people think? Wow; Percy took a toll on me. I'm hurting in a lot of places because of him.

At a loss of appetite (though, still needing the food), I go to bed without dinner, no one questioning me.

~ time skip ~

I awake feeling sluggish and overheated. My head is pounding, and I know that I am perfectly, pleasantly, wonderfully sick. Probably from being out in the cold yesterday, and not properly eating/drinking.

I groan as I sit up, feeling a bit dizzy. My nose is stuffed to my lungs with mucus. Disgusting. I look to my side and check the time, realizing I should've been awake ten minutes ago for Tuesday school. I sigh, grasping my phone next to my clock and texting Hazel.

Me: Haze, come here

I hear bouncing up the steps, and a knock on my door.

My raspy, hoarse voice replies, "Come in..." I sound worse than I thought I would, and speaking took a lot of energy out of me. Wow, I'm sick.

"Are you okay, Neeks?" Hazel sits on bed and checks my forehead.

"Tell Father I won't be at school today, but he can go to work." I manage.

She nods, "Okay. You want me to stay home and take care of you?"

I shake my head.

"Okay." she kisses my forehead.

About an hour later, I wish I had told her to stay. I felt weak, and needed someone to comfort me. I wasn't in my best mindset, seeming younger than I am. Ugh, being sick is awful.

After throwing up stomach acid, grabbing a water, laying back down, overheating, getting too cold, taking medicine that doesn't work, and wishing I were dead from my splitting headache, I took out my phone to text somebody.

Who do I want right now? I want my boyfriend. Well, ex-boyfriend, but I didn't care at the moment.

Me: Percy? I don't feel well

Percy: We broke up Nico. Stop texting me and face reality.

Me: Percy, please, I don't feel well. Please come over, just this once. If you ever cared for me.

Percy: Shut up, Nico. You're a psychopath. Why would I put myself in danger like that?

Nico: I'm not a psychopath... I haven't hurt you before, why would that change?

Percy: Leave me alone, Nico.

I dropped my phone. What was I thinking texting him anyway?

Nico: I love you, Percy, I'm sorry

I sigh, not wanting to see his reply. My stomach is churning, and it hurts. I want a hug. (I never thought I'd sound so pathetic.) I wish Percy would listen to me.

I sigh, and the sigh turns into a cough, which turns into me coughing up mucus. I spit into a bowl by my bed, the same one I threw up in. Ugh. Why me?

I felt sweat on my hairline and threw off my blanket. I rolled onto my stomach, cursing into my pillow.

Maybe I should see Percy's reply...

I picked up my phone and looked at the message.

Percy: You should be. I can't love you.

I felt like crying. Maybe he's right. I turned over my phone as my headache got more noticeable, and tried to forget about my stupid mistakes and problems; hard to when you're sick.

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