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It had been a long time since you'd even visited your home town. College and then running one of the foreign branches of the family business kept you away and plenty busy. Recently your adopted father was diagnosed with cancer and the family decided it would be best to send a trusted friend to take over your branch while you moved back home with your brothers to help take care of the old man. It was extremely hard for you to accept that he wouldn't be around forever, and you were only in your early thirties, too young to say goodbye to your only parent.

Stepping off the train platform your eyes combed the small crowd awaiting arrivals until you spotted a familiar tuft of blond hair. His lopsided smile grew when he caught sight of you.

"My twin!" you called wrapping your arms around his neck.

You weren't actually twins or even related by blood, but you were close in age and your birthdays were in the same month, so they were always celebrated together. You'd known Marco since the orphanage, he refused to be separated from you which deterred a lot of potential parents until Pops came along.

"I missed you too, yoi." he murmured returning your embrace, "Are you ready to see the babies?"
"Yes!" you practically squealed, "I can't believe they are all men now."

'The babies' was an annoying term of endearment you had for your three younger brothers. They hated it, so of course it stuck.

"Luffy just started second year at uni, Sabo aims to graduate in December and well you know Ace wasn't cut out for school, so he's been helping Thatch and I run things." the blond explained ushering you into his truck.

"I'm so excited to see everyone." you breathed, "How's Pops?"
"He has good days and bad days, yoi," he glanced at you with a soft smile, "today's a good day."

It was just a fifteen-minute drive to the house you more or less grew up in. The willows that lined the long driveway had gotten fuller in the time you'd been away, and the breeze here always seemed sweeter.

"I'll grab your bags, you can head inside, yoi." Marco instructed.

You hopped out of the truck and made your way up the path that led to the from porch. A mixture of excitement and nerves churned in your gut. You were ready to be reunited with your family but also nervous to see what state your father might be in.

Before you could even get to the first step the screen door burst open slamming against the side of the house as your youngest brother threw himself at you.

"F/N!" he cried tackling you to the ground.
"Oi Luffy!" another voice called from the house.

It was too late of course, you were flat on your back with your little brother wrapped around your torso.

"You could have seriously hurt her. F/N is no spring chicken ya know." Ace scolded pulling the youngest away from you.
"You really shouldn't point out a lady's age Ace." Sabo added sauntering up to help you off the ground.
"My babies!" you squealed grabbing all three males.

Ace and Sabo groaned hugging you back stiffly while Luffy chuckled and nuzzled into you.

They hadn't changed one bit.

"Quit hogging F/N!" you heard Thatch call from the porch.

No one made you feel as loved as this group of idiots. You released the younger brothers and bounced up the steps to the brunette.

"It's so good to see you. How many years has it been?" he stepped back to look you over.
"Eight." you replied sheepishly, "Sorry it took so long."
"You're a busy woman, don't worry about it." he opened the door for you.
"Do I hear my lovely daughter?" your father's deep voice rumbled through the house.
"The one and only!" you chimed back making your way to the den where he spent most of his time.

Pops sat in his big leather armchair situated so he could see the entire room, including the perfect view of the back yard through the large bay windows that lined the wall in front of him. He smiled so wide the corners of his eyes crinkled as you entered the room. You let out a soft sigh, relieved that he didn't look as ragged as you'd imagined.

"Well don't you look handsome." you smiled leaning in to kiss his cheek.
A soft chuckle rumbled through his chest, "Too kind as always lass."

"How are you feeling?" your eyes trailed down the oxygen tubes resting above his snow-white mustache.
"Good enough to give these lads a good whooping if needed." his huge callused hand moved over yours.

You sat with Pops in the den catching up until the sun went down. Most topics were light, memories of your childhood, comparing your younger brother's antics to you, Thatch and Marco.

"So tell me F/N, when do you intend to settle down and give me some grandchildren?"

You frowned.

"C'mon old man. I know you wouldn't be having this conversation with Thatch or Marco."
"Only because no one will want kids with those brats."
"We can hear you, old fart." Marco called passing by.
"I wasn't trying to hide it." Pops called back and turned to you, "You know I won't be around forever and I'd like to see you happy."
"I am happy." you pouted.
"You know what I mean, lass." he tipped your chin up to meet his golden gaze, "I know Shanks will be excited to see you've returned."
"Awe come on Pop's," you groaned, "I'm not going back to that drunken man-child."
"He was the best boyfriend you ever had." Ace commented from the doorway.
"And the coolest!" Luffy added.
"I hate all of you." you grumbled.


Red: Running late!

You groaned staring down at your phone, how very like him.

Red: I can't wait to see you!
Red: ... Please actually wait for me this time.

Me: Just this once and only because you're paying

Red: That's my girl

Me: not your girl sir

With that you slipped your phone into your back pocket and entered the pub. It was rowdy but not too loud. You scanned the room for a comfortable place to wait for your idiot date. Your eyes stopped abruptly at the bar, breath halting as you made very brief eye contact with the most gorgeous specimen the gods had possibly created. Messy green hair complimented his tanned complexion and chestnut iris. A scar cut through his beauty (and left eye) only adding a rugged finesse you were positive no one else could pull off. Before you knew it, you'd floated right up to the counter waiting quietly as other customers stole his attention.

He turned back intending to take your order, right eye widening a fraction as his gaze swayed over your face.

A slight blush adorning his cheeks he cleared his throat, "What can I get ya?"

The One : Roronoa Zoro X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now